Friday, September 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not left.    For now, America is actively engaged in Ukraine giving weapons and support even if we do not have ground troops in the area.  America should not be involved in the war in Ukraine.  It does not help us and makes Americans more likely to be attacked by Russia.  I would not be surprised if Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin tried to make a terrorist attack on American interests or American soil due to the American effort to fund Ukraine.  The fact of the matter is that we have not learned the lessons of the horrors of Iraq, where we still have troops in Iraq.

This week President Zelensky of the Ukraine has met with President Joseph R. Biden to secure more funding for the war.  How many billions of dollars need to be spent on this war with American tax dollars that do not pose an interest to Americans.  Yes, I understand that Russia is a threat.  The fact of the matter is that Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin is not interested in being the President of Russia.  He wants to be the Czar of the USSR again and get the old band back together.

America is playing favorites, but it should not be playing favorites.  American tax dollars should not be going into Ukraine to fund a war that is none of our business.

We have learned nothing about our time in Iraq and Afghanistan.  American tax dollars should not be going into other nations to defend their wars that are of no vital interest to America.  As always comments accepted.

America should stay out of Ukraine
April 2, 2024
Allison Joyce

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. "Statement from President Joseph R. Biden on US Support for Ukraine." Washington, DC: Thursday, September 26, 2024.

Thursday, September 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I applaud President Biden for trying to tackle gun violence.  But he is going about it the wrong way.  Tackling gun violence is not an easy task.  But the government is not going to solve the gun violence crisis in America.  

The way you tackle gun violence is to have two parents in the home watching the kids and having the family unit be a valued member of society.  Two parents in the household will reduce gun violence since the kids will feel love and care from their community.  I believe that if a child feels respected and loved this will not end gun violence but I do think it will show a drastic lower in gun-related deaths and homicides overall.  Another component is the job opportunities and great-paying jobs.  Having a great job with the financial backing to make a living will give people hope and let them have the resources to not commit crimes to live. 

Combating gun violence should be done at the local level not the level of the federal government.  As we see time and time again gun control although well intended does not reduce gun violence.  The best way to control a gun is with two hands not the federal, state, or local government. 

President Biden is also using Medicaid in the wrong way.  He wants to use the Medicaid funds to stop gun violence.  That is not what Medicaid is used for and if President Biden plans to do that he should be sued in federal court.

Also, President Biden is being prejudiced in his gun control approach.  He wants gun control for those under 21.  What about the people who are over 21 they get to go scot-free?  He also wants the local authorities, feds, and mental health counselors to hand over sensitive and private documents.  That violates the person's right to privacy.   As always comments accepted.

Biden is going about gun control the wrong way
Image: Fusco LAw Group

Source: President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. " Fact Sheet: President Biden and Vice President Harris Announce Additional Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Save Lives." WhiteHouse. gov Washington, DC: Thursday, September 26, 2024.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden will speak to the United Nations General Assembly today, Wednesday, September 25, 2024.  This will be the last one of his Presidency.  But what is it that President Biden hopes to accomplish?  From the looks of it, he wants to establish a one-world socialist style of government.

President Biden plans to talk to the world about the collective goals of the world.  But it was individualism that made America great again not the socialist mindset of the collective.  President Biden wants to " rally global action to tackle some of the world's biggest problems."  I agree with that, but the fact of the matter is that if America waits for the world to get their act together America will lose its standing as the greatest superpower.  I would argue that America has already lost its power as the greatest country on earth, which is not necessarily due to President Joe Biden.  The main culprit is China.  If China can make Corona Virus and shut down the world economy in the beginning of the pandemic with lockdowns, making the world wear masks and lockdowns the world that makes them the greatest power on earth as they make the world live in fear of a virus that is usually no worse then the common cold.

President Biden pledged to make America a world leader once again.  Instead, he has made America fall further behind.  Instead of leading the world on coronavirus, he supported the draconian practice of making lockdowns in the nation.  He stood against medical freedom of making everyone get vaccinated against the coronavirus.  Let me ask you if the vaccine was so safe and effective why are there many doctors, nurses, and others that deal with Coronavirus so opposed to taking the shot?

President Biden is also going to talk about the collective.  Surrendering America's individualism to the world collective.  I hate the collective.  I enjoy individuality.  It is what makes me unique.  The collective slows down the process and slows down productivity.  When I was in school I hated working in groups.  Although I am slow from buy Short Term Memory Loss and Cerebral palsy working in a collective has made me even slower.  Working in a collective environment slows down the process, innovation, and America in an ever-changing world. 

President Biden is also going to talk about synthetic drugs.  The best way to deal with this is to legalize all drugs.  By legalizing all drugs people will come out of the shadow of the fear of being arrested and seek help that they need.  The best way to get that help is through the nonprofit and medical care of the hospitals as the hospitals are not allowed by law to turn anyone away.

The best way to deal with the world is to focus on your individuality and hell with the collective.  As always comments accepted.

Joe Biden will speak to the collective
Image: President Biden
September 25, 2024

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. " Background Press Call on President Biden's Engagements at UNGA." Washington, DC: Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

After being in a union twice, as a teacher aide, and as a county worker I can definitely say that unions suck and are killing the American dream.  The fact is that when you are in a union you lose your individuality.  Whenever I had a problem, I went to my boss to solve the issue.  I never went to why union since that would not solve the problem in a matter of minutes but in a matter of weeks.  If I went to my boss it got settled in a matter of minutes. 

I applaud President Biden for his commitment to the auto workers.  However, the fact of the matter is that union workers are the forgotten men and women in America.  For too long unions have been used by the Democratic Party.  When I was in Nassau County County Executive Ed Mangano tried to negotiate with the union to give back some things so he could save every job.  The union rolled the dice and said no to giving back in the end some if not many members got laid off as a result of their poor leadership in the CSEA.

President Biden wants to build things in America and buy American-made products.  I support that.  It will get the inflation down hopefully but President Biden caused the inflation nation in America.  

The thing I hate about unions as I stated above is that it kills individuality.  I am a unique individual with a disability.  The fact is that unions kill my ability to think and act independently for my own self.

A union is a form of socialism and social working practices.  That is because it focuses on the collective and what is good for the collective as opposed to the individual.  What is best for the collective is not necessarily what is best for the individual.

An economy where everyone has the ability to succeed is not in a union.  Actually, I saw many people slacking in my time as a union member.  I saw people sleeping at their desks a lot.  

President Biden is trying to save the industry.  I do support saving jobs where we can.  But he is doing this unfairly as he is saving only union jobs and letting the white-collar and middle-class fall.  As always comments accepted.

Unions are killing America
July 9, 2020
Ringo HW Chiu

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. Fact Sheet: Taking Action to Support Auto Workers and Manufacturers, Including Michigan. Washington, DC: Monday, September 23, 2024.

Sunday, September 22, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I hate to break it to you America, but the government wants you to be in fear of Covid.    That is because the American government both Democrats and Republicans have a vested interest in keeping the public in fear of this disease so they can innoculate the public with their vaccines.  I am prochoice on the vaccine.  I got the vaccines to keep safe.  But if someone does not want to get the Covid vaccine to stay healthy or be harmed by the vaccine that is their choice.  I still would not be surprised if people got sick from the vaccine.  I personally got sick from the vaccine with flu-like symptoms for a day.  But I will still take the vaccine for safety from Covid.  It is important to note that the vaccine does not prevent COVID-19 but gives you the antibodies to fight off the disease.  Another conspiracy theory that I have to debunk is the thought that the government has placed a tracking device in the vaccine.  That is not true, but what is true is that you need to carry a card to show your vaccination status at some public events.  You know who else made people carry cards: Nazi Germany.

The side effects of the new COVID variant are not severe.  But the new variant is more contagious.  The new variant XEC is a hybrid of KS 1.1 and KP 3.3.  Still not one apology from China.  A friend I will not name for their protection told me that the Chinese can not say they are sorry since it admits guilt.  The Chinese he said can not admit guilt.  But China is the biggest terrorist country in the world.  I say that because if the Chinese can bring down an economy and make people live in fear even for a short time that is an international terrorist event.  As always comments accepted.

Are you still in fear of Covid?

Source: Anthony Robledo. " Hybrid Covid Variant XEC is More Contagious: What to Know About the New Strain." Washington, DC: September 21, 2024.

Saturday, September 21, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I hate to write about this but sometimes a journalist must cover issues they do not like.  In regards to Lieutenant Governor Mark  Robinson, a self-proclaimed Black Nazi who refuses to get out of the race after disparaging comments about Jews and Blacks is appalling.   I would not vote for this man.

The Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson calls himself a Black Nazi.  That does not even equate since the Nazis also hated blacks and killed them in the Holocaust also.  So in the 1920's-1930 Robinson would most likely have been a dead man.  What is more scary is that he wants to reinstate slavery.  This man would be fighting for the Confederacy in the 1800s.  He even called himself a perv online.  If he is a perv online that does not disturb me as long as he is not doing something illegal.  He has freedom of expression and speech along with privacy to fulfill his dark fantasies.  As long as he is not harming anyone or killing anyone while acting on those fantasies I am okay with that. Robinson will not exit the race for Governor and you know something he just might win in the Conservative state. 

If he wants to look at porn I am okay with that.  If that is how he fills his sexual desires that is not a crime.  But the idea of wanting to reinstitute slavery is a wee bit concerning.  The idea that he is a Nazi and wants to kill Jews, Catholics, disabled and homosexuals is concerning.  For that reason the slavery issue I would not vote for him for Governor.  As always comments accepted.

Mark Robinson the Black Nazi
SAturday, Septemeber 21, 2024

Source: Sophia Cal. "North Carolina: Trump's Emerging Achilles Heel." Charlotte: Friday, September 20, 2024.

Thursday, September 19, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Well, the results are in and it seems like Vice President Kamala Harris won the last debate with former President Donald Trump.     But why does it seem like people are voting for Harris?  According to polls, she is not well-liked, but she is more like than President Donald Trump.  Maybe it is because people do not like the personality of President Trump and want something different.  I notice that President Trump is his own worst enemy.  My dad says, "If President Trump would just shut up and not act so crazy he'd be in the lead.

The fact of the matter is that people do not seem to be voting for Kamala Harris.  They are voting against Donald Trump.  So this is one of those issues as it returns out of holding your nose and voting for Harris.  

In recent polls, Vice President Kamala Harris has the advantage over former President Donald Trump.  According to most polls, Kamala Harris leads in most polls up by four unchanged since August.  The fact of the matter is that voters do not necessarily like Vice President Kamala Harris.  But they hate President Trump's personality.  Vice President Kamala Harris is seen as more intelligent, yet she still does not have an advantage.  Vice President Kamala Harris is playing into that telling her supporters not to take the election lightly and for granted, Trump still can win.  Hillary Clinton was leading Trump up until election day and look how that turned out Trump won.  Maybe some people are afraid to say they are voting for President Trump, and others might be afraid to say they are voting for a woman.

I do not think that either candidate would be better for the disabled.  The only factor is that Vice President Kamala Harris wants to save Medicare, with Medicare for All.  Medicare is socialized medicine, and it works great I am on it but I will call it what it is.  But it is not going to be for all literally.  For it to be for all the US Government workers and federal officials must go on Medicare also.  That means the President Must go on it, the Vice President must go on it, all federal workers go on it and Congress goes on it along with the public.  That is how you are going to save Medicare for All.  Also, if we must have Medicare for All, the Democrats must admit one thing: Obama Care did not work out.

I am in support of Medicare for All.  I understand, that if we have Medicare for All it must cover abortions and euthanasia along with all other Medical procedures if it truly is for all, even though I dispose of abortion and euthanasia as I am pro-life.   But everyone including politicians must go on it for it to work out.  I do not support Harris and will vote for Trump.  As always comments accepted.

People want to vote for Harris

Source: Shane GoldMacher. " Harris Had Stronger Debate, Polls Find But Race Remains Deadlock." The New York Times. Washington, DC: September 19, 2024.


AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN UKRAINE By: Derek Varsalona For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not...