Sunday, January 21, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

On Saturday, January 20, Iran tests Biden a year out from inauguration day next year in 2025.  President Biden is not up to the test.  Instead of making a quick condemnation of Iran President Biden is probably still fast asleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.  Iran launched a missile test on Saturday morning.  Still no word from President Biden.  President Biden is literally asleep at the wheel.

President Biden is ill-prepared to deal with the problems of the world.  He is ill-prepared to deal with the crisis.  Instead of waking up and handling an international crisis, he is fast asleep.  At the time the article was written there was no news on the White House website of the missile launch.  How is President Biden going to respond?  Aggression is the wrong approach but appeasement is just as bad.   The fact is  Iran and all dictators react to strength in a cowardly fashion.  But when someone does not speak out against a missile launch it shows that you are condoning this behavior in Iran.

The fact is that we need a strong leader.  We are not getting that in President Biden.  I am by no means advocating going to war with Iran.  I think the United States would lose a war with Iran.  The fact of the matter is Iran is one of the schoolyard bullies.  America instead of walking away you must punch the bully in the mouth.  Because President Biden is showing appeasement he is a weak leader.  As always comments accepted.

Iran is testing Biden

Source: The Associated Press. “ Iran Launches Advanced Satellite as Regional Tensions Spike Over Israel War in Gaza.” Gaza: Saturday, January 20, 2024.

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