Wednesday, February 7, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I do not think it was a conspiracy.  But the government is to blame for not letting people know earlier of the Listeria outbreak that is occurring right now in the country.  As of right now, their is a hysteria outbreak with contaminated food products in this America.

Rizo Foods has been recalled for dozens of cheeses and dairy products for being contaminated with bacteria that causes listeria.  The problem is it is not known what is contaminated with listeria until you actually feel the symptoms.  The bacteria is not visible on the product by the naked eye and is only visible by microscope.  But you will definitely feel the contamination.

Sorry to spoil your breakfast or meal today.  But the symptoms of listeria are: fever, Chills,. Muscle aches. Nausea and Diarrhea.  Due to my disability of Cerebral Palsy I often have muscle aches and craps.  So it would be hard for me to know if I have listeria if yi do not have a combination of symptoms listed above.  

The problem is not new.   The FDA has cited that it has been going on for years, since 2014.  So why has the government failed to  act until now?  That is a failure of not just big government or small government.  That isa  failure of the federal government in general, both Democrats and Republicans since they are the ones in power. The failure to inform us on the outbreak goes back all the way to President Obama since it is a decade long concern that has now been discovered.

The people that are most at risk are the pregnant women, immune compromised, newborns, and adults over 65 years old.  That seems like a large population and as of Wednesday, February 7, 2024 when this article was written there was no warning on the White House website.  I applaud the FDA for posting a warning on the situation.  But President Biden is at fault for not letting us know of the outbreak, as well as President Trump and President Obama.  As always comments accepted.

Biden to blame for Listeria OutBreak

Source: Niha Masih. “ Listeria outbreak Prompts Recall Of Cheese, Other Dairy Products.” The Washington Post. Washington, DC: Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

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