Saturday, March 9, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

America, it is time to spring forward.  Many people do not like the idea of Day daylight savings time.  Many people have to adjust their internal clocks to lose an hour of sleep.  Many people experience adverse health effects and some people are known to have heart attacks due to the time change.  But again this is not something the government should be legislating.  If you need more sleep then get more sleep.  Getting darker earlier is going to have an effect on your health.  So with that being said only you can know your internal body clock and what is good for you.  This is not a government issue.  Yes, you are going to have to spring forward with your clocks.  But many clocks on the cell phone at least spring forward for you already.

A majority of Americans will spring forward today.  Unfortunately, the government is going to be involved as we have to make a time change to function for work and appointments.  There have been reports of adverse health effects such as heart attacks, strokes, and other ailments due to the time change.  That shouldn’t be.  Only you know your body the best.  Do what is best for you and do not rely on the government to tell you what is best for you.  Yes, you are going to have to readjust your clocks both regularly and internally.  But do what is best for you and your health and do not rely on the government to tell you what is best for you.  The government always does what is in its best interest and not what is in the taxpayer's and others' best interest. 

The reason why delight savings time is mainly a farming issue.  So it has to do with our food source and is a farming issue.  Those are the people, the farmers and ranchers that are mostly affected by this.  I am not saying other people are not affected by this.  You will have to get an early start if you want to make it to work on time.  But this is a personal issue when you get up and start your day.  Yes, the government is going to make suggestions.  But remember those suggestions are only beneficial to serve the government's interest.  I do not think the government has the American people's best interests at heart.

Again, do what is best for you in this situation and please stay safe.  If you need to get an extra hour of sleep to function by all means do so.  But do not let the government tell you to get an extra hour of sleep since the government is only interested in serving themselves and not the general public.  As always comments accepted.

Should WE Spring Forward
William Belpois
March 7, 2024

Source: Lauran Neergard. “ How Spring Forward to Daylight Savings Time Could Affect Your Health, and How to Prepare.” The Associated Press. Washington, DC: Saturday, March 9, 2024.

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