Sunday, March 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

My heart goes out to the many lost souls at the Moscow concert where terrorists attacked and killed 93 people so far.  But this is partially the fault of Vladimir Putin, the fault of President Biden, and the fault of the terrorists.   The death toll stands now at 93 people mostly children.  The Islamic State claimed responsibility.

The fact that I blame President Biden and the State Department is that America was alerted of the terrorist potential attack and decided to stand down.  So the Biden Administration has blood on its hands.  The Biden administration is partially responsible for the terrorist attack and the lost souls.  But why does President Biden care, he has a history of violence supporting abortion and so does the Democratic party for that matter, where in abortion an innocent baby is murdered since the mother can not handle the burden.

Many children were killed, as many children are killed in abortion.  The Americans have blood on their hands as President Biden and the State Department were alerted.  Instead of taking the threat seriously they stood by idle and did nothing.  So President Biden is partially responsible for the deaths of 93 people.  I do not expect President Biden to do anything in this matter.  I do not even think he is going to take me up on my call to lead a coalition to overthrow Putin, either by peace or by force.   This shows the President Biden is a weak leader.  

What ISIS is trying to do is work with Russia to decide the outcome of an American election.  This is reminiscent of the Liberal claim that Putin interfered in American elections to get President Trump elected.  But Russia has a history of interfering in international affairs as do the United States.  I believe the United States interfered in the Iraq election after the fall of Saddam Hussein to get a person that America liked.  What Dictator Vladimir Putin is doing is he is interfering in international affairs now.  Now only does he not want to annex Ukraine and make the USSR again, by getting the old band back together but he wants to control the world.  I do think that Putin is working with ISIS, and I do think Putin had something to do with this attack in Russia to strike fear into Ukraine and the world.  As of today, 11 people are detained in connection with the attack.

The best way to deal with Putin is to lead a coalition to peacefully remove him from office.  As for ISIS, President Biden is to weak of a leader to deal with them.  ISIS knows this and that is why they attacked the concert since they knew that there would be American citizens at the concert.  As always comments accepted.

Terrorist attack at Concert Hall
Abhijett Kumar
New DElhi

Source: Victoria Kim. “ Moscow Concert Hall Shooting Russia Searches for Assailants After the Attack.” The New York Times.  Moscow: Saturday, March 23, 2024.

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