Tuesday, March 5, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

People are starving,  people are poor and people are restless.  This week, Haiti has descended into chaos as gangs are trying to overthrow the government.  Ruthless gangs have taken over the island of Haiti.  There is now a war going on between warring criminal tribes that are trying to take over the island.  Unlike most government strongholds the criminals also have the guns and are ready to take on the army and overthrow the government.  The gangs are now taking over the island.  The gangs are posting torture videos and videos of warring criminal tribes.  What should America’s response be?  Absolutely nothing. 

In this situation, America should remain neutral in the situation.  Now, would be a great time to get Ambassador Eric William Stromayer, out of the country and out of harm's way.  It would also be a great idea for the entire embassy of the United States to evacuate.  If that does not happen with the restlessness going on in Haiti, I think there is going to be another Benghazi-style attack and assassination of the American Ambassador.  The fact of the matter is the United States has stuck its nose into other people's affairs for far too long.  That is what caused Pearl Harbor, America was taking over Japan’s spheres of influence.  That is what caused September 11, 2001, was that America has been siding with Israel for far too long.  Let the Haitians work this out themselves.  If the government is overthrown it is overthrown.  American lives do not have to be lost over the Haitian violence. 

Haiti has broken into a civil war over warring tribes.  I suspect that the government is going to fall by this Friday if not sooner.  Now, is not the time for America to stick its nose in the situation.  Yes, America can try and give humanitarian aid, but that aid: food, water, money, and medical supplies can always be stolen by both the government and the rebels.  The best approach is to practice neutrality in this situation.  For far too long America has been sticking its nose into other people's affairs.  America has paid the price for far too long, i.e. September 11, 2001, was the most recent example of what happens when America sticks its nose into other people's business.

If America is involved in this war by sending troops, police actions, or sending military supplies we are going to pay the price.  America paid the price on September 11, 2001.  We gave Osama Bin Laden arms to fight the Russians and then Osama Bin Laden attacked America by hijacking planes.  I am afraid that if we side with a party in Haiti, there is going to be a terrorist attack on American interests in Haiti or even a terrorist attack on New York City or Miami. Miami is the closest American city to Haiti and New York City has the largest Haitian immigrant population.

Gangs are now posting torture videos online of their violence.  If we do not want the embassy personnel attacked America's best bet is to stay out.  Or, I think the embassy personnel will be human targets for the Haitian rebels.

In my prediction, the Haitian government is going to fall by Friday if not sooner.  God Bless the people of Haiti who just want peace in their country in this troubling time.  As always comments accepted.

Haiti descends into violence
Image: Bay to Bay.com
Monday, March 4, 2024

Source: David Culver. “Gang Rule Haiti Capital. Some Say They’re Ready to Overthrow the Government.” CNN.Com Port au Prince: Monday, March 4, 2024. 


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