Wednesday, March 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

The Republicans have the right approach when it comes to revamping the health coverage in America.  But they are off base.  Instead of having Medicare for all the Republicans want individual marketplace and health saving accounts.  This will not work as so many people still need to decide between food and medicine for their basic human needs to survive.  Health Care Reform has actually made it more expensive.  If you need to cover more people, especially the sick people then there is going to be more expensive.

President Biden also has the wrong approach when it comes to health care coverage.  The Affordable Care Act is not affordable at all.  The more affordable option is to go with a Senator Bernie Sanders-style approach of Medicare for All.  I am on Medicare and it works out well for me since I have Cerebral Palsy amongst other disabilities.  Medicare gives me the freedom to live a more productive life with out having to worry about more expensive Cadillac health care plans.  I want not only what is best for me but what is best for all the people of the nation.  That is why I support Medicare for All.

I’m pro-life.  So I naturally do not want Medicare covering abortions which it currently does not.  But I do understand that if I  want Medicare for All it is going to have to cover abortions a horrible medical procedure that kills a living baby.  But the only way to bring down medical costs in this country is for a Medicare for All type system.  Under my plan, the politicians and President Biden are also going to have to go on Medicare for All.  Medicare for All truly means Medicare for All.  

Libertarians will not agree with this.  But it gives people the liberty of not having to worry about being in debt or choosing between food and medicine for their daily needs. 

 The best solution is to kill the Affordable Care Act and go with a Medicare for All type approach.   That means we will have to revamp the system while the people are still on their medical coverage.  I am not asking to outlaw private insurance.  Private insurance can still be bought as a supplemental plan.   As always comments accepted.

We Need Medicare for All
Image: Jeffrey Sachs
March 4, 2019

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: As House Republicans Release Budget to Increase Health Care Coverage Costs and Take Away Coverage, President Biden and Vice President Harris Fight to Lower Health Care Cost and Protect and Strengthen the ACA, Medicaid and Medicare.” Washington, DC: March 26, 2024.

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