Friday, May 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

The Biden Bribe is back in Africa.  This time the scam falls on the nation of Kenya.  President Biden appears to be investing in Kenya.  But what is he really doing?  He is going into Africa to steal Kenya’s natural resources.   The biggest natural resources in Kenya are gold, gas, and oil.  With gas prices being high and inflation being high it is no wonder that President Biden is trying to steal their gold to hedge against inflation and steal their oil and gas to lower gasoline prices.  This is more about American imperialism than helping out the nation of Kenya.

President Biden says that he wants to advance human rights in Kenya.  That is good I applaud that but what type of human rights.  Obviously, President Biden is a lapsed Catholic who believes in abortion so it is not to save the children.  Is he trying to stop the hunger?  If so, hunger can be better served by food banks and private charities than a government entity.  

President Biden is also worried about disinformation.  But disinformation breaks both ways.  the once of the biggest Biden disinformation is the Inflation Reduction Act.  The government intrusion into our economy with the Inflation Reduction Act has done nothing to decrease inflation, but it actually made inflation even worse. 

President Biden says that he wants to increase women's political participation.  Yet, America still does not have a female President, and god forbid if Vice President Kamala Harris ever becomes President.  The reason I do not like Kamala Harris is not that she is a female.  It is not because she is black and it is not because she is a Democrat.  The reason I would not vote for her is that she does not take anything seriously.  She seems to laugh nervously at the most important things possible.  It must be her defense mechanism when she does not have an answer and quite frankly I find it appalling. 

President Biden claims America and Kenya will work to form a transparent government.  The fact of the matter is that is a lie so far.  America does not have a transparent government.  We have a very secretive government that turns its guns on its own citizens when they are challenged i.e. look up Kent State riots. 

The United States and Kenya are promoting human rights for all.  That is funny since abortion is not a human right it is the murder of an innocent child.  

President Biden is trying to fight corruption in Kenya.  But President Biden is one of the most corrupt members of the Presidency.  Still to this day, the FBI does not know whose Cocaine was left in the White House.  I suggest they may want to investigate drug addict Hunter Biden.  I support the legalization of all drugs as it will get people the help they need and come out of the shadows (hopefully).  But as of right now cocaine is illegal and Hunter Biden was engaging in an illegal act.  There he should be arrested, charged with harboring an illegal substance, and forced into drug rehab again to try and straighten his life out before it is too late and by late I mean death.

President Biden is also supplying $7 million dollars to the police departments.  Well, that is nice, but what are we trying to form a police state and over-intrusive government in Kenya?  Knowing this I predict there is going to be an uprising in Kenya in a matter of days, weeks, or months.

President Biden is also giving scholarships to Kenyan nationals.  I do not mind people having an equal shot at an education.  But this is not what is happening.  A Kenyan student is taking the seat of a natural-born American citizen and that is just wrong. 

Another problem is President Biden is trying to advance socialism worldwide.  This time in Kenya he is pushing the Green New Deal.  If the Green New Deal can’t even work yet in America the richest country in the world, how is it going to work in a poor country like Kenya?

Another problem is the job situation.  America has an abundance of job opportunities. Right now, if you don’t want a job is the only reason you can not get a job.  The fact of the matter is that the wages are not keeping up with inflation that was caused by the Biden Administration.   But President Biden wants to create jobs in Kenya at least 50,000 of them instead of bringing those jobs home to the United States. 

Another problem with inflation is adequate housing.  San Francisco is an expensive Housing Market and there are many homeless.  But instead of creating housing in America or San Francisco for that matter another Liberal district President Biden is going overseas to Kenya to create housing. 

The Biden Kenyan policy might have good intentions.  But President Biden wants to be in Kenya to steal their natural resources.  Instead of providing housing and jobs to Kenyans the better approach would be to start by creating jobs and affordable housing right here at home in America. As always comments accepted.

Kenya President PAying the Biden Bribe

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: Kenya State Visit to the United States.” Washington, DC: Thursday, May 23, 2024.

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