Sunday, June 30, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Joe Biden is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  In his view, does he do what is best for the country or does he do what is best for the party?  To many Democrats, they can go either way.  The Democrats hate America so much and even more hate a man in President Donald Trump that they want to see President Biden step aside from running again after his disastrous performance by Biden.

But with the Primaries over who can save President Joe Biden?  The Democrats are now in panic mode.  The Democratic Party made their choice?  The question is do they have to live with it?  There are many calls for the Democratic Party to move in and take President Biden off the ballot for the good of the party.  The likely contender is Governor Gavin Newsom.  It seems insulting that Vice President Kamala Harris's name is not mentioned as the next logical successor.  But she is polling just as bad as President Biden, some say even worse.

It is funny to see the Democratic Party in panic mode.  But the fact of the matter is that President Joe Biden is the only one that can save him from this disastrous performance in the debate.

Dementia is not funny.  But I do honestly believe that President Biden does have dementia.  I am not a doctor.  

The fact of the matter is for the good of the nation, and the Democratic Party, Dementia ridden President Biden should step aside and not run for re-election.  As always comments accepted.

Joe Biden must resign from Re-election campaign
Image: Drew Anger
February 23, 2020

Source: Jake LA Hut. " Obama Raced to Biden Rescue But Intervention Could Yet Come." The Daily Beast. Washington, DC: June 29, 2024.

Friday, June 28, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

It could happen only once in two generations.  It only happens for some.  But this week, LeBron James dream came true that he will be able to play with his son Bronny James.  I would not be surprised if we saw both of them in the starting lineup.  

I am happy for LeBron and Ronny.  Not many times can a father play with their some in the same sport let alone at the professional level.  This truly is a magical experience for both men involved.

The NBA teams were playing with a bit of respect for Lebron James.  Every team knew of the legacy that this would leave for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play with your son.  I would not be surprised if Bronny James is richer than his father at the end of Bronny James career.  

As for Lebron James, watch for him to announce his retirement at the end of this upcoming season when he has the opportunity to win a championship with his son.  As always comments are accepted.

Father and Son Duo

Source:  James Brewer. "For Lebron and Brons James, A Dream Comes Uncomfortably True." The Washington Post. Los Angeles: Friday, June 28, 2024.



By: Derek Varsalona

On Tuesday, Representative Jamaal Bowman lost his seat in New York's Liberal District.  The reason I believe for the loss was because Bowman was taking the side of Hamas and going against Israel.  New York State is known for having many Jewish people and most Jewish people live in the New York  City area.  To be fair most Palestinians also live in the New York City area.

But the question is does the Bowman loss now face concern for the squad as a whole?  I do not think so one point. AOC is a pretty safe district and would not be surprised if she runs for Senate and wins the Senate.

The problem for Bowman is he was a vocal critic of Israel.  That might work in another area of the country but it would not did not work in New York.  New York City has the highest concentration of Jewish Americans.  It also has the highest concentration of  Muslim Americans.  What Jamal Bowman did was take a gamble.  He rolled the dice on being anti-Israel and lost big.  The fact of the matter is the Democratic Party has been anti-Israel since the rise of anti-Semite President Barack Obama who also hated Israel in favor of Muslims.

The fact that a more moderate Democrat won was not the case at all.  The issue was that Bowman was a complete anti-Semite and everyone knew it.  That might have worked in other areas of the country, particularly Michigan which has a huge Muslim and Arab population.  But the strategy does not work for New York.

What does this mean for the squad?  Yes, The Squad loses some power in the Libera establishments but they are still powerful.  Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is going to win her seat I think.  I would not be surprised if she beats Senator Schumer or Replaces him after he retires.  I also would not be surprised if Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is Speaker of the House one day.  As always comments accepted.

Jaamal Bowman

Source:  Karissa Paddock. " Jamaal Bowman Becomes First Member of the Squad to Lose 2024 Primary as Democrats Divided over Israel." New York City: Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Thursday, June 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I applaud President Biden for trying to decrease the housing cost in America.  Housing is expensive.  But President Biden is going about this the wrong way and is actually going to increase the housing cost in America with a government overreach by providing government grants to people who need housing.  The fact of the matter is whenever the government gets involved they increase the cost of the product that they are actually trying to decrease.

Vice President Kamala Harris has outlined a national housing initiative intended to decrease housing costs known as the Pathways to Removing Obstacles in Housing.  The fact of the matter is when it comes to housing it is usually the government that provides the biggest barrier to making affordable housing.  The fact of the matter with this initiative is going to get in the way of affordable housing.  The government-provided grants are going to increase the housing cost since the pricing of the materials to make the housing is going to go up and increase the inflation in not only the housing market but more importantly the price of the products to build the housing will increase. 

Basically, the housing comes down to the value of the land that it is built on.  If the land is valuable the housing is going to be valuable.  That land value increases based on activity in the region how many job opportunities are there, how much activity is there for the lifestyle, and yes how much crime is in the area.  Those are not the only factors but in my book, those are major factors in the cost of housing in the area.

The government spending is going to increase the amount of money that the land and the house are worth.  The government is the poison.  It is not going to decrease the cost of housing but the very fact that the government is involved in trying to create affordable housing is going to increase the amount the house is worth.

If you want to decrease the price of housing the first thing is to supply the market with more houses.  The second thing is to get the government out of the way.  As always comments accepted.

Biden will increase Housing Cost

Source: Vice President Kamala Harris. " Fact Sheet: Vice President Kamala Harris Announces First-of-its-kind Funding to Lower Housing Cost by Reducing Barriers to Build More Homes." Washington, DC: June 26, 2024.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I applaud President Trump for wanting to end the Ukraine-Russia war.  But the matter is that the United States should not even be involved in the matter.  I fear that if the United States is involved in the matter, another September 11, 2001 attack is going to happen by Russia.  Americans can ill afford that to happen.

President Trump plans to end the war in Ukraine.  The fact of the matter is that President Trump does not realize that you can not talk sense to Dictator Putin who is illogical.  This is also an illogical move by former President Trump.  President Biden must not try and talk peace with Dictator Putin.  What I fear the most is that Putin will respond by taking out American lives in a September 11, 2001-style attack.  America can ill afford that from any President. 

President Trump told Ukraine that it would get weapons if they entered into Peace Talks.  So now we have a quid-pro-quo going on here.  The fact of the matter is the United States needs to get out of the business of sticking its nose into other people's affairs.  That is what caused September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers fell, the Pentagon was hit and a plane went down in Pennsylvania heading for the White House.  The reason why September 1, 2001, happened is because America was involved in world affairs instead of minding its own business.

Congressman Ron Paul is right.  America needs to focus on America first and stop being the world policeman.  As always comments accepted.

Trump was wrong to try to  end Russia Ukraine War
                            Image: SBSNews


                                                    May 11, 2023


Source:  Gram Slattery. " Exclusive: Trump Handed Plan to Halt Military Aid to Kyiv, Unless it Talks Peace with Moscow." June 25, 2024.



By: Derek Varsalona

Princess Anne of England Fell, at Gatecombe Park on Saturday.  Could this be the fall of the British Empire?  But seriously all kidding aside I hope she recovers well from this serious condition.

This is a severe fall given her age of 73. But this shows that the princess should always have a bodyguard around her to protect her from instances like this.  I fault the personal protection detail for not being there to support her and catch her.  Then again, my concern is that they might not like her and want her to fall and get badly injured.

This is a sad situation.  I wish her the best of luck and a speedy recovery.  As always comments accepted. 

Princess Anne of England Falls
Monday, June 24, 2024

Source: Associated Press. " Princess Anne Sustains Minor Injuries and a Concussion in Incident Palace says." London: Monday, June 24, 2024.

Monday, June 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Better run to the beach in a hurry.  It is getting hot out there.  there is a record-setting heat wave in the United States.  It has reached 100 degrees or more in NYC.

The thermostat is going up as we speak.  Millions are now being affected by climate change.  It hit 100 degrees in the Washington, DC Baltimore area where I live.  That is humid heat which is unbearable not the dry heat which is manageable for me.  There is flooding in Iowa.  Raising Waters in South Dakota and Minnesota., along with a flood in New England.  Wildfire in New Mexico. 

The last time we saw this much disaster was years ago.  What is causing this?  The answer is simple it it climate change.  If we do not adapt to climate change it will most likely kill us.  The deniers can dense all they want but the facts are in.  Climate change is upon us.  

The fact of the matter is that we need to adapt to climate change.  We can adapt but we can not stop it.  Americans and the rest of the world have made poor choices and we are now suffering the consequences of climate change.

It is too late for the Green New Deal.  Although I do support it it is not going to have much effect on the outcome of climate change.  The fact of the matter is that climate change is killing us.  Mass migration to cooler areas is not going to help at this point.,  There is no escaping the disastrous effect climate change is going to have on the people.  People made their choice.  Their choice was to ignore climate change.  Now, we are living with the consequences.  As always commons accepted.

Climate Change is causing the heat wave

Source: Dalia Faheid. Catastrophic Flooding in Upper Midwest Prompts Evacuation, Heat Wave Boils Mid Atlantic." NewYork City: Sunday, June 23, 2024. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Back in 2000, the youth elected the first black American and Socialist President of America Barack Obama.  Now, the youth feel left out of politics.  When it comes down to voting for two old timers the youth seem to be liking President Trump according to NPR.

I personally do not think either President Trump or President Biden really have the youth in mind in this election.  The fact of the matter is that this election is coming down to one factor the economy.  Under Bidenomics Americans and the youth are getting killed.  The fact of the matter is that everything costs too much due to Bidenflation.  The cost of college is just the tip of the iceberg.  Now, it is sad that in-state students need to take loans out to go to the state college in the state that they reside in.  I thought state college was supposed to be affordable for in-state residents?

The fact of the matter is that life has become more expensive under Biden.  I agree that the economy is cyclical and has its ups and downs.  However, what the president sets in terms of policy has a dramatic effect on the economy.  The fact of the matter is that the war between Russia and Ukraine has affected oil prices a lot.  Much of Europe's energy needs such as oil, gasoline, and other needs come from Russia.  That is why the world is afraid to back the Ukrainians.  One way for Americans to bring down oil prices is to stay out of the war in Russia and Ukraine.  That would stop Russia from starting an economic war with America but it would kill the Ukraine.

The fact of the matter is that this election is coming down to economics.  The fact of the matter is that this election is coming down to the fact that although most people's bellies are filled at this point they know that their wallets and back pockets feel a little liter these days due to Bidenomics which Biden has caused inflation.  As always comments accepted.

Bidenflation is killing America.
Monday, June 17, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden again furnished the war effort in Ukraine.  You know, it is funny that the Democrats claim to be anti-war when it was former President George W. Bush's war in Iraq.  but when it is their war that needs to be won in Ukraine they are all for it.

President Biden funded the war effort in Ukraine yesterday while declaring the event an effort for peace in Ukraine.  The problem is that America is contradicting the peace effort by funding the war effort at the tune of $1.5 billion dollars.  The fact of the matter is that Russia poses no immediate threat to the United States.  This is Ukraine's problem and not the United States. 

Vice President Kamala Harris has met with Ukrainian President Zelensky six times already.  Now, she will hand over a check for $1.5 billion dollars through the USAID fund and the State Department.  $500 million is going to energy assistance on top of the already $324 million provided. Santa Claus comes early for the people of Ukraine.  Another $379 million has been provided to the people of Ukraine in humanitarian assistance.  

The fact of the matter is America should not be funding the Ukraine.  If America wants to prevent a terrorist attack on their interest either on the homeland or overseas by the Russians then America must stay out of the Ukraine.  As always comments accepted.

Biden Declaration of War

Source: Vice President Kamala Harris. " Vice President Kamala Harris Announces Over $1.5 Billion to Bolster Ukraine's Energy Sector, Address Humanitarian Needs, and Strengthen Civilian Security." Washington, DC: June 15, 2024.


AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN UKRAINE By: Derek Varsalona For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not...