Monday, June 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Better run to the beach in a hurry.  It is getting hot out there.  there is a record-setting heat wave in the United States.  It has reached 100 degrees or more in NYC.

The thermostat is going up as we speak.  Millions are now being affected by climate change.  It hit 100 degrees in the Washington, DC Baltimore area where I live.  That is humid heat which is unbearable not the dry heat which is manageable for me.  There is flooding in Iowa.  Raising Waters in South Dakota and Minnesota., along with a flood in New England.  Wildfire in New Mexico. 

The last time we saw this much disaster was years ago.  What is causing this?  The answer is simple it it climate change.  If we do not adapt to climate change it will most likely kill us.  The deniers can dense all they want but the facts are in.  Climate change is upon us.  

The fact of the matter is that we need to adapt to climate change.  We can adapt but we can not stop it.  Americans and the rest of the world have made poor choices and we are now suffering the consequences of climate change.

It is too late for the Green New Deal.  Although I do support it it is not going to have much effect on the outcome of climate change.  The fact of the matter is that climate change is killing us.  Mass migration to cooler areas is not going to help at this point.,  There is no escaping the disastrous effect climate change is going to have on the people.  People made their choice.  Their choice was to ignore climate change.  Now, we are living with the consequences.  As always commons accepted.

Climate Change is causing the heat wave

Source: Dalia Faheid. Catastrophic Flooding in Upper Midwest Prompts Evacuation, Heat Wave Boils Mid Atlantic." NewYork City: Sunday, June 23, 2024. 

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CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED HURRICANE HELENE By: Derek Varsalona I am going to get some detractors and some supporters on this post when I talk ab...