Tuesday, June 11, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Today sets off a major conference on the rights of people with disabilities hosted by the United Nations in New York City.  From June 11-13, the United Nations is hosting the 17th Annual Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  This Conference is better known as COSP17.  I wish I could have been in attendance but did not know about the conference until the 10 and arrangements to speak or at least be present at the conference were unattainable for me. 

The United Nations is going to present report cards on how nations are dealing with people with disabilities.  I do not think the United States is doing that well, although we do better than developing nations that have less money to help people with disabilities. I remember when I went to Puerto Rico there was accessibility in San Juan and across the island.  But the cur cuts were very small, the doorways were small and I do not remember seeing electronic doors.   Although the people on the island were very accepting of people with disabilities.

The U.N. goal is to promote equality for all in this conference.  That is nice but until it actually happens I have my doubts.  In order to have equality for all attitude on people with disabilities not only in America but across the world has to change.  I know from personal experience that many people without disabilities secretly discriminated against me.  They would not say it out right but I was never invited to the big parties by my friends in high school.  I also was not invited to hangout with people that did not have disabilities.  In New York State we had inclusion, where the students with disabilities were allowed to lean in the mainstream classroom with a teacher assistant to help.  But I found that inclusion outside the classroom with the mainstream students were far and few between.

This year there are three roundtable discussions on disabilities.  A larger Summit will take place in September.  I hope the media will cover these events with justice.

A major issue is Artificial Intelligence better known as AI.  Some people think that AI is bad.  Like all technology, it can be bad or good depending on the user.  On display will be AI drive tools that are designed to scan websites, mobile apps, and digital content that is made specially for accessibility.  The goal is to make technology more inclusive for people with disabilities from the classroom to the workplace. 

As of right now, 80% of the world's disabled population lives within a developing country. That probably will not change but the fact of the matter is that the lack of funds to help people with disabilities really puts the person who has a disability at a disadvantage. 

Another issue that is going to be talked about is emergency preparedness.  Far too often people with disabilities are not nearly given enough consideration when planning for a natural disaster.

The war in Gaza is no different.  Due to the war efforts many people with disabilities are left with depleted resources, disease, malnutrition, or death.  As always comments accepted.

U.N. Conference on the Disabled

Source: The United Nations. " COSP 17. Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities." The United Nations. New York City: Monday, June 17, 2024. 



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