Friday, July 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden said in his oval office speech that he was "passing the torch to a new generation to save democracy."  President Biden is wrong.  If you want to save Democracy and save the Republic you would elect President Trump.  By electing President Kamala Harris you save the county from the Republic and implement socialism in its wake.  Kamala Harris is a socialist,  she is the second coming of President Obama.  

President Biden said that he was passing the torch to a new generation.  But this news generation of leaders is not like the old Democratic Party, that actually believed in Democracy.  The New Democratic Party under the direction of soon to be President Kamala Harris is socialist.  America is going to be more like Sweden and Denmark under President Harris.  

Watch for the Democrats to push many new socialist programs.  Watch for them to do away with Obama Care and take on Medicare for All.  The good thing under this is social security safety net is not going to be demolished.  It is going to be saved since it is a  quasi socialist program.  It is socialized retirement that Americans pay into after many years of hard work unless you are government official that does not work that hard.  Watch for the food stamps program to be saved under increased benefits under SNAP.  The unions will strengthen under the President Kamala Harris administration.

I fear that President Kamala Harris is inevitable.  Americans are going to look past her record which is President Obama 2.0.  They are going to do this to make history with the first Caribean-American President in a women the first woman president.  As a result America will suffer because of it.  As always comments accepted.

                             Vice President Kamala Harris

Source: Kayla Tausche. " Biden Calls His Decision to Step Aside from 2024 Race A Matter of Defending Democracy." Washington, DC: Thursday, July 25, 2024.

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