Tuesday, July 30, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden is trying to address racial equity in society.  I agree that there should be a more fairer system.  But the best way to make the system fairer is to invest in pro growth capitalistic economic principles. The problem for the Biden Administration is that they are not using capitalism but socialism to achieve equality within society.

Yes there is raising inequality in America.  Climate change has nothing to do with the inequality in America.  Th inequality in America has been forced upon on America with the Democrats blame game of blaming capitalism for Americas faults.  The fact of the matter is that capitalism is the best policy that has lifted so many out of poverty in American and the rest of the world.  Socialism on the other hand has made people more  stagnant in their abilities.  When you are under socialism there is not a great chance of moving up in society.  So with very little ability of upward mobility the people become complacent in the system and lack hard work since there is no benefit.  I have a disability, cerebral palsy.  In a socialist country I would not be able to write for the Libertarian Party nor would I be allowed to serve on the Board of Directors for the Manassas Libertarian Party.  That achievement only comes from hard work and a capitalist mindset that pulls yourself up from your boot straps and makes you a better human bean.

Communities that do not fair too well are not doing well because they look to the government for the answer.  The government is not the answer to the problem but is in most cases what caused  the problem to begin with.  A word of advice, if you want to advance in America then stop being lazy and looking to the government for every solution.  The government in most cases is the problem not the solution.

President Biden wants an equal playing field.  I will admit it, I do not want an equal playing field, that is socialism.  What I want is a competitive playing field and you only get that through sports and competition.  In economics the way to create a better playing field is through capitalism with a free market and laissez-faire hands off approach to the economy.  As always comments accepted.

Government makes people lazy

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. "How investing in Equity Fosters of the Goals in Investing in America." WhiteHouse.gov Washington, DC: July 29, 2024.


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