Saturday, July 13, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I did not watch the press conference on President Biden's Speech at NATO.  I was with family and family always comes first.  But from all indications, it was a disaster.  President Biden was wobbly in the press conference not just in thought process but also with balance issues.  At times he was incoherent and could not put a sentence together.  President Biden is living in LALA land denying the polling from his own staff.  To make matters worse he referred to Vice President Harris as Vice President Trump a total insult to not only the Vice President but also President Trump.

President Joe Biden has got to go.  He was incoherent in the press conference, which could be a sign of his dementia.  The doctors also said that he has Parkinson's Disease.  If President Biden was trying to save his campaign he has done just the opposite.  He has made his campaign worse and even now more Democrats are asking him to drop out of the race not only for the sake of the country but for the sake of the party.  The Democratic Party is on fire and not in a good way.  

The incoherent thought process is a sign of his dementia.  Instead of getting better, it has gotten worse.  We now have a President with one foot in the Oval Office and the other in the grave.  It is sad to see him deteriorate.

The other fact is that President Biden is denying polling.  All polls show him losing to President Donald Trump.  It is sad to say but President Biden is now lame duck.  With polling bad and Democrats turning sour and their backs on Biden it is hard to get your agenda passed.  It is not only elected Democrats but also Democrats who are not in office that I talk to wish they had another candidate.  The question is will they stay away from the polls?

I honestly believe that President Biden has dementia.  I am not a doctor.  But one sign is the referred to Vice President Harris as Vice President Trump an ultimate insult.  The fact of the matter is Joe Biden has got to go now for the sake of the country and the sake of the party.

The end is near for Joe
September 2014

Source: Zachary Basu. " Biden Buys Time: 5 Takeaways from The NATO Press Conference.." NATO: Friday, July 12, 2024.

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