Friday, August 30, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden is making a grave mistake by still talking with China.  I understand that China owns our debt.  That means in a way China owns us since they control the price strings.  The fact of the matter is that China is the biggest terrorist threat in the world right now.  If a country can take down a nation and the world with one simple virus that is usually no worse than the common flu that makes them the most powerful nation in the world.  China right now is led by fear.  There is a rise in coronavirus cases.  I do not want to go back to lockdowns.  I do not want to go back to wearing a mask that is tyranny.  I do not want to go back to staying six feet apart.  That is how China controls the world through free.  America we are smarter than this.

Yesterday, National Security Advisor to Biden, Jack Sullivan met with President Xi Jing Ping who is more like an Emperor since he has a lifetime appointment.  Did he hold China accountable?  Not at all.  In fact, he bowed down to the dragon and looked like a submissive in the process.  I do not want America to be a submissive nation to China.  Americans are better than this.  

America used to be the strongest nation in the world.  That has changed since our leaders failed to stand up to China.  China is the strongest nation in the world.  They can strike fear and control the world with one tiny virus that is usually no worse than the common flu.

I have heard reports that fewer people are getting the vaccine for Covid.  Yews, it seems like we are turning the page.  I still will get the vaccine to be safe.  It is great that the government is not pressuring us to get the vaccine.  Maybe America has learned its lesson.  The lesson I learned is to not live in fear of a virus.  I do not wear a mask. I try to give people proper spacing.  I  get the vaccine for COVID-19 to just be safe.  

Is America past the COVID fear?  Yes, it is ...I hope.  The key is not to live in fear of a virus that in most cases is not as bad as the flu.  As always comments accepted.

Stop Talking with China
October 13, 2023
Dan Larson

Source: Jack Sullivan. National Security Advisor. " Read out of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's Meeting with President Xi Jinping of People's Republic of China." Washington, DC: August 29, 2024.

Thursday, August 29, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Hey, American listen up.  The world is past the Covid hysteria.  The fact of the matter is that the Democrats and Republicans can agree on one thing.  That no one cares about Covid anymore.

The American public has agreed on one thing.  We defeated the Chinese Bioterrorism by defeating the hysteria on the coronavirus.  No one cares it is an afterthought now.  Thank you, America for not letting Covid no longer control your lives. 

No one cares about Covid anymore. We are able to see our friends, go back to religious events, and sporting events, and classes are back in session in the classroom.  You did this America.  Together we defeated the Chinese Bioterrorism.  I once wrote that China was the most powerful country in the world.  I said that since they can unleash a virus and stop the world is literally dead in its tracks.  

Is Covid still around. Yes it is, it will always be in the background like Aids.  But the people are past the hysteria about it and America finally defeated Covid and defeated the Chinese by not worrying about ti anymore.  No one cares about Covid, it is a thing of the past.   Covid is now an afterthought.  Thanks to you Americans people can now move on with their lives.  As always comments accepted.

Americans are past Covid
Image: PennMedicineNews

Source: Lisa Kashinsky. " Democrats and Republicans Greet Covid Spike with Collective Shrug." Washington, DC: August 28, 2024.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Everyone has the right to hear the candidate's positions on the issues.  For many years the Libertarian Party has not been given a shot to debate with the Republicans and Democratic Presidential candidates.  This time President Trump is afraid to debate Vice President Kamala Harris.  What is he afraid of? Losing the debate?

It is ultimately President Trump's choice to debate Vice President Kamala Harris or not.  But not debating her as an insult to the American people, an insult to the Republic, and an insult to America.  What is it that President Trump is afraid of?

We all know that President Trump is not going to get fair coverage either way.  But skipping out of the debate means that President Trump is a chicken.  I know that President Trump is not going to be treated fairly.  But President Trump goal should be to flip the script.  If President Trump comes to the debate and wins by embracing Vice President Kamala Harris he wins.

President Trump and everyone knows he can not in in the media.  But he needs to use the same tactics in the debate that he used against Hillary Clinton.  The key here is to flip the script on the public and the media.  That is how he will win the debate.  As always comments accepted.

Is TRump Afraid of Harris
July 29,2024

Source: Robbie Whelan. " Trump Finds New Media Foe in  ABC News as Debate Drama Mounts." The Wall Street Journal. Philadelphia: Tuesday, August 27, 2024.



By: Derek Varsalona

Three years ago this week, American soldiers were attacked on a base in Kabul, Afghanistan.  The best way to honor those victims is to gradually leave Afghanistan.  America has been struggling to build a nation for too long.  Let us face it if Afghanistan's do not want Democracy it can not be forced on them.  Americans have been practicing intervention as an American policy for far too long, with little success.  I support a gradual withdrawal from the region.

It was great that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris honored the fallen.  But the best way to honor the fallen is for the soldiers to come home now from these never-ending wars.  Americans have completed their mission in Afghanistan.  That mission is to kill Osama Bin Laden, mission accomplished.  

Sadly, the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan.  But the fact of the matter is that us fighting these never-ending wars is just going to lead to more terrorist attacks on American interests due to our imperialism which is not working out.  If you want to honor the troops bring most of the troops home from Afghanistan with minimal support to protect our US Embassy in Kabul and interest in Afghanistan. As always comments accepted.

Honor the Afghan Fallen
Image: Mark Wilson
August 20, 2021

Source: President Joe Biden. " Statement from President Biden on the Anniversary of the Terrorist Attack outside Kabul Airport." Washington, DC: Monday, August 26, 2024.

Monday, August 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Hawaiians were given an early wake-up call on Sunday as a Hurricane was supposed to hit all the Hawaiian Islands.  The storm is tracking south.  The storm is forecasted to bring heavy rain, tropical winds, and flash flooding.  You may want to but there are better times to go to the beach or surfing.

This is a life-threatening condition.  I wondered why Hawaii never saw the major storms other islands see.  Not anymore.  This is due to climate change and it is upon us or at least upon the Hawaiians at the very moment.

I pray for the people of Hawaii for a safe recovery.  President Biden should head into the storm and visit Hawaii.  President Trump should also campaign in Hawaii and show leadership.  Vice President Kamala Harris should also travel to Hawaii.

This is climate change and it is killing us.  It is going to kill Hawaii.  I predict that Hawaii is going to have many years to recover from this disaster.  The prognostics are that there will be strong winds, a tropical warning, and flash flooding for all of the islands.  As always comments are accepted.

Hurricane Hone Approaches Hawaii
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Source: Sara Tonk. " Hurricane Hone Passing Near Hawaii Big Island with Potential Flooding, Rain and Strong Winds. " WeatherChannel. Maui: Sunday, August 25, 2024.

Saturday, August 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Vice President Kamala Harris is an accomplished person in her own right.  Being the first Vice President of color is something to be proud of.  Being the potential first woman and woman of color to be President of the United States is something to be proud of.  I am not voting for her since she is a socialist.  The fact of the matter is that former President Trump has no right to question whether or not Vice President Kamala Harris has the right to run for President.  By the Constitution, she is an American citizen and over 35 years old making her qualify to run for President of the United States.

Former President Donald Trump questioned whether or not Vice President Kamala Harris has the right to run for President of the United States.  Is President Trump scared of facing a woman for President on fears that he might not win.  Is President Trump not used to the task?

President Trump claims that Vice President Kamala Harris didn't win the primary.  But that is old news and he is bringing up something that happened four years ago.  That is in the past.  President Biden has the right to select his running mate.  He chose Vice President Kamala Harris and won.  The election was not stolen.

Vice President Kamala Harris has the right to run for President.  President Biden endorsed her and so did President Barack Obama.  The Democrats have the right to pick whom they want to run for President.  President Trump has no right to question that.  As always comments accepted.

Kamala Harris
Image: NY Times

Source: James Bickerton. " Donald Trump Questions Kamala's Right to Run for President." Washington, DC: Saturday, August 24, 2024.



By: Derek Varsalona

It seems like we learned nothing about the Corona Virus Pandemic and China.  China is our adversary and our enemy.  China brought the coronavirus to our shores and brought down the American economy.  They even tried to kill an American President President Donald Trump when they gave him Corona Virus.   America should not be trading with China.

Next week, National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan will be traveling to negotiate talks with the Chinese.  What good can come of this?   China is going to play President Biden like a fiddle.  I do not expect the Chinese to be honest with the United States, nor do I think that the United States is going to be honest with China.  We still should have an embassy to control our spies in China and try to impose relations.  But relations are not going to improve for a long time.

China is right now the strongest country in the world.  The reason I say that is that if they can bring a virus onto the world and bring down entire economies then China has power over the world.  They already brought down the American economy due to Corona Virus.  President Biden has prolonged the recession but China caused the recession with Corona Virus.  As always comments accepted.

China is not our friend

Source: Sean Savett. " Statement by NSC Spokesman Sean Savett on National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan's Trip to Beijing China." Washington, DC: Friday, August 23, 2024.

Friday, August 23, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, they have a new theme.  The theme of the last night of the convention was for our future.  But if we want more of the same chaos we have seen over the past four years you will most likely vote for Kamala Harris.  I  do not have high hopes for a Kamala president.  She will bring more socialism as she is a socialist and will lessen the freedom that Americans have over their lives.  She will increase tight government regulations and call for open borders.  A nation without borders is no nation at all.  I do not have a problem with immigration.  I want legal immigration.  Let me ask you this?  If someone broke into your house would you clothe them, feed them and house them?  If the answer is no then why would you do the same for someone who breaks into your country illegally?  Last time I checked America did not have a big welcome mat at the America-Mexican border, when I was in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris closed out the Democratic National Convention.  It was more massive government spending and government involvement in our lives.  It was Socialism 101.  America has a choice to go with freedom and the land of opportunity with President Trump or resort to a dependent nation under a socialist Kamala Harris who wants people to use the government like a drug and build on dependency.  Yes, there is a recovery for your government addictions and your addiction to socialism.  That recovery is either voting for President Trump or voting for the Libertarian Party which looks at you as an individual capable of making your own decisions.  The Democratic party wants you to sign up for government big brother daycare taking care of your every need.  I do not want that I want freedom.

Yesterday, Presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for President.  I understand that electing the first black America woman as President is historic.  But you know what else will be historic? The loss of freedoms that Americans have under a socialist like Kamala Harris.  President Biden was not a socialist, Barack Obama was and Vice President Kamala Harris is.  

The theme of the last night is for the future.  But I do not want a future of socialism.  I want a future of freedom and that is why I am voting for President Trump at the top of the ticket and Libertarian down the ballot.  The Democrats clam a more hopeful and brighter future.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  The Democrats do not represent a bright future.  The represent a dark future built on government dependency like a drug and socialism.  Remember when the government gives you everything that you ever wanted they can also take away everything you ever had.  Always comments accepted.

The Socialist Convention

Source: Laura Mann Weiler. " What to Expect on Day 4 of the DNC." U.S. News and World Report." August 4, 2024.

Thursday, August 22, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

I'll admit it I did not see the Democratic convention.  But on Tuesday, former President Barack Obama addressed the convention saying that America is ready for a better America.  That means that America is going to get socialism again with Kamala Harris.  we see the excitement for the first woman President possibly.  I am not falling for that trap.  The reason why I am not electing Kamala Harris is because she is a socialist and America was founded on freedom.  Kamala Harris goes against everything that the American Dream stands for: freedom.  She is abasing freedom in every chance she gets.  She and the Democratic Party is against freedom and for more socialism more government control.

Two of the biggest socialists spoke at the Democratic convention on Tuesday night.  Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama.  Remember America, Michelle Obama said that electing Barack Obama was the first time she was proud of her country.  I guess freeing the slaves was not something to be proud of in her mind?

But America is seeing the same excitement for Vice President Kamala Harris as they say for Present Barack Obama.  I want a female President also.  But I want one that loves America, not tears it down.  Last night the Democrats asked is America ready for a better story?  The answer is yes with less inflation and no socialism.  You will only get that with Donald Trump, not President Kamala Harris. As always comments accepted.

Obama Tears Down America
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Source: Tyler Page. " Obamas Electrify Democrats at Chicago Convention." The Washington Post. Chicago: Wednesday, August 21, 2024.


AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN UKRAINE By: Derek Varsalona For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not...