Friday, August 23, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, they have a new theme.  The theme of the last night of the convention was for our future.  But if we want more of the same chaos we have seen over the past four years you will most likely vote for Kamala Harris.  I  do not have high hopes for a Kamala president.  She will bring more socialism as she is a socialist and will lessen the freedom that Americans have over their lives.  She will increase tight government regulations and call for open borders.  A nation without borders is no nation at all.  I do not have a problem with immigration.  I want legal immigration.  Let me ask you this?  If someone broke into your house would you clothe them, feed them and house them?  If the answer is no then why would you do the same for someone who breaks into your country illegally?  Last time I checked America did not have a big welcome mat at the America-Mexican border, when I was in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris closed out the Democratic National Convention.  It was more massive government spending and government involvement in our lives.  It was Socialism 101.  America has a choice to go with freedom and the land of opportunity with President Trump or resort to a dependent nation under a socialist Kamala Harris who wants people to use the government like a drug and build on dependency.  Yes, there is a recovery for your government addictions and your addiction to socialism.  That recovery is either voting for President Trump or voting for the Libertarian Party which looks at you as an individual capable of making your own decisions.  The Democratic party wants you to sign up for government big brother daycare taking care of your every need.  I do not want that I want freedom.

Yesterday, Presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for President.  I understand that electing the first black America woman as President is historic.  But you know what else will be historic? The loss of freedoms that Americans have under a socialist like Kamala Harris.  President Biden was not a socialist, Barack Obama was and Vice President Kamala Harris is.  

The theme of the last night is for the future.  But I do not want a future of socialism.  I want a future of freedom and that is why I am voting for President Trump at the top of the ticket and Libertarian down the ballot.  The Democrats clam a more hopeful and brighter future.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  The Democrats do not represent a bright future.  The represent a dark future built on government dependency like a drug and socialism.  Remember when the government gives you everything that you ever wanted they can also take away everything you ever had.  Always comments accepted.

The Socialist Convention

Source: Laura Mann Weiler. " What to Expect on Day 4 of the DNC." U.S. News and World Report." August 4, 2024.

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