Thursday, August 15, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Watch out America.  Another victim of Bidenomics is going to be Medicare.  President Biden is going to enact Medicare for All.  Some might think this is great.  But is it really Medicare for All?  No Medicare for All is a trap.  If we really wanted Medicare for All than it must be for All the people,  That means President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Congress and all federal employees are going to have to go on Medicare.  I highly doubt that is going to happen.

President Biden released his plan for Medicare yesterday.  He says the beneficiaries are going to save money.  But if that is the case then you can not get everyone on Medicare.  In order to save money for the system and preserve it for the disabled and seniors you need to decrease the amount of enrolled.  It is truly not for all the people as the Congress, the President, the Vice President and the federal government employees are not going to go on Medicare.  While those people are not on Medicare look for the federal government to decrease the funding to the program and that decrease is going to come from the Democrats not the Republicans.

President Biden says that Medicare is going to negotiate the prices for America.  That is true.  But the government never negotiates fairly for the people of America.  The government always has the better deal in the end.  If we truly are going to have Medicare for All then the federal government workers including the military, Congress, Vice President and President must go on Medicare.   No more Cadalliac  insurance plans.

Also, what is going to happen to private insurance?  I can tell you that Private insurance is going to become obsolete. That means every health insurance broker is going to be giving on Medicare and enrolling people.  Private insurance is going to be diminished or cut all together with all health insurance workers becoming federal employees.  Then the government is going to take over the hospitals and private doctors this is going to be nationalized Medicare insurance.

The better approach is for the people themselves to negotiate the with Medicare and their private insurance.  You really do not want the government choosing your own doctors do you?  I also think that the doctors are going to want to become federal employees.

Also, under this plan the most people in this nation are on Elquis for Blood Clots.  That is 3, 928,000 enrolled on Eliquis.  We are a sick nation and we made ourselves sick by living on fast foods and sugary drinks.   I should not talk since I have the same problem.

The government is going to negotiate all the drug prices.  But does anyone really think that the government is going to negotiate fair.  The government only negotiates to make the deal great for the government and in the end the screw the taxpayer.  

America we are getting into the age of socialized medicine.  Medicare for All is upon us.  That means the Democrats must admit that the federal insurance plan Obama Care did not work.  What makes you think this plan of Medicare for All is going to work, it's not it's going to break Medicare.  As always comments accepted.

Mediscare for All
Image: Wall Street Journal
August 12, 2020

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. " Fact sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New, Lower Prices for First Ten Drugs Selected for Medicare Price Negotiation for Lower Cost for Millions of Americans." Washington, DC: August 15, 2024.

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