Sunday, August 18, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

The Harris Tax plan is a plan on Socialism 101.  It actually goes against some of the things that the Democratic Party champions.  It goes against abortion as it pays people to have children, I am pro-life but I do not think people should be bribed to have children.  Nor do Think abortion should be legal and glad it is a state's rights issue now.   The plan also calls off a ban on price gouging.  That actually goes against free market economics and free enterprise where supply and demand the consumer decides what the price will be by buying or not buying a product, voting with their wallet.   The expansion of building three million new homes might make a dent in homelessness with affordable housing but the free market should decide that not the government. A first-time house-buying assistance program also goes against the free market letting the government control and dictate the market.

The $6,000 child tax credit is actually a pro-life platform when you think about it.  It goes in contradiction to what the entire Democratic Party believes in that Women should make the choice whether to have the child or murder it by abortion.  I am glad that she came to a more pro-life position.  But profilers beware, she still supports abortion rights. 

The first-ever plan on price gouging is also a horrible idea that is being floated.  I agree that corporations should not take advantage of their customers.  But neither should the government interview in the free market.  The corporations are not going to be the ones price gouging.  It is going to be the government that is going to be setting the prices to make it fairer.  The government is going to be in charge of price gouging by killing the free market.   Also, there is no mention of how this plan of stopping price gouging is to be carried out.

The idea of expanding affordable housing is great on the surface.  But with the government involved in the mix it is going to actually lead to inflation in the housing market.  We all know that the government does not play fair.  So with the government controlling the free market in housing, it is going to lead to more housing being expensive.  Everything from lumber prices at Lowes and Home Depot is going to soar.  That is going to make the contractors' labor more expensive and thus the prices of housing are going to go up.  The tax cut for starter homes is not going to offset the cost of inflation that it will cost to build the home.

Another problem is the government is giving out free money, with a $25,000.00 down payment, and eliminating tax on tips.  For one the tipped workers mostly waiters, waitresses, barbers, and others are going to be not taxed making them tax cheaters.  Also, the people in the religious community who already tax cheat on constitutionality grounds of separation of church and state is not going to p[ay taxes.  Yes, they also get tipped for doing services ie. Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, etc.  So they are also cheating taxes.

In the end, I think this tax plan by potential President Harris will drive the country into a recession. As always comments accepted.

Kamala's Socialist Plan
SAturday, August 17, 20224

Source: Vice President Kamala Harris. " Harris Economic Plan." Washington, DC: Saturday, August 17, 2024.

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