Wednesday, September 25, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden will speak to the United Nations General Assembly today, Wednesday, September 25, 2024.  This will be the last one of his Presidency.  But what is it that President Biden hopes to accomplish?  From the looks of it, he wants to establish a one-world socialist style of government.

President Biden plans to talk to the world about the collective goals of the world.  But it was individualism that made America great again not the socialist mindset of the collective.  President Biden wants to " rally global action to tackle some of the world's biggest problems."  I agree with that, but the fact of the matter is that if America waits for the world to get their act together America will lose its standing as the greatest superpower.  I would argue that America has already lost its power as the greatest country on earth, which is not necessarily due to President Joe Biden.  The main culprit is China.  If China can make Corona Virus and shut down the world economy in the beginning of the pandemic with lockdowns, making the world wear masks and lockdowns the world that makes them the greatest power on earth as they make the world live in fear of a virus that is usually no worse then the common cold.

President Biden pledged to make America a world leader once again.  Instead, he has made America fall further behind.  Instead of leading the world on coronavirus, he supported the draconian practice of making lockdowns in the nation.  He stood against medical freedom of making everyone get vaccinated against the coronavirus.  Let me ask you if the vaccine was so safe and effective why are there many doctors, nurses, and others that deal with Coronavirus so opposed to taking the shot?

President Biden is also going to talk about the collective.  Surrendering America's individualism to the world collective.  I hate the collective.  I enjoy individuality.  It is what makes me unique.  The collective slows down the process and slows down productivity.  When I was in school I hated working in groups.  Although I am slow from buy Short Term Memory Loss and Cerebral palsy working in a collective has made me even slower.  Working in a collective environment slows down the process, innovation, and America in an ever-changing world. 

President Biden is also going to talk about synthetic drugs.  The best way to deal with this is to legalize all drugs.  By legalizing all drugs people will come out of the shadow of the fear of being arrested and seek help that they need.  The best way to get that help is through the nonprofit and medical care of the hospitals as the hospitals are not allowed by law to turn anyone away.

The best way to deal with the world is to focus on your individuality and hell with the collective.  As always comments accepted.

Joe Biden will speak to the collective
Image: President Biden
September 25, 2024

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. " Background Press Call on President Biden's Engagements at UNGA." Washington, DC: Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

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