Monday, January 15, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

As of today, there are at least 100 innocent people that have been captured by Hamas according to President Biden.  Not all of them are Americans, but many of the people are American citizens.  Each passing day gets longer and longer wait for the loved ones.  With each passing day, President Biden has failed the hostages and the families of the hostages.  I am not saying that President Biden is not working to get the hostages home.  He is.  The problem is he is not working hard enough to get the hostages home.  I suspect that former President Trump would have had those hostages home by now, or maybe even President Obama would have given a similar situation.

The fact of the matter is that the hostages should have already been released.  The reason why they are captive for at least 100 days is due to the fact that President Biden is a poor leader with dementia.  The fact is that President Biden has fulfilled the Peter Principle, reaching your highest level of incompetence.  President Biden has caused this to escalate out of control.  President Biden has caused the pain and suffering that the families of the hostages are feeling with each passing day. President Biden had the chance to do something and each day he failed. 

The fact is that President Biden could be a better communicator.  Maybe it is his dementia that plays a role in his negotiation skills?  Or maybe it is the fact that he overcame stuttering that he can not communicate his ideas effectively.  The fact of the matter is you need a strong leader to communicate with the terrorists.  President Biden lacks that skill. 

Due to President Biden's poor negotiation skills, he let Hamas walk away from the negotiation table after just one week of negotiations.  I used to hold the position that you never negotiate with terrorists.  Since then, I agree you should at least try to negotiate peacefully with terrorists and then sneak attack them when the time is right.  America was negotiating with Japan at length when they bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.  

The fact of the matter is we have an inept commander-in-chief who is not up to the job or the task at hand.  I pray for the hostages to be released and for their safety.  But sadly I feel, that due to the President's poor negotiation skills most if not all the hostages are going to be found dead. As always comments accepted.

President Biden fails the hostages
Image: US Embassy in Hungry
Budapest, Hungry
Budapest: March 21, 2022

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Statement from President Biden Marking 100 Days of Captivity for Hostages in Gaza.” Washington, DC: Sunday, January 14, 2024.

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