Saturday, January 13, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Well, election season has come early in 2024 as we are in an election year.  A President needs to focus on helping all Americans.  Instead, President Sleepy Joe Biden is only focused on helping out his base the unions in America.  Over the past years union membership has been dwindling.  Union support amongst Americans has been on the decline.  That is because all unions are too greedy.  I was in union, I hated every minute of it.  Many times in Nassau County, I would see union workers sleeping at their desks only waking up for coffee break, lunch, and time to go home.  This is when they were on the clock.

President Biden went to his home state of Pennsylvania to talk about getting the union to back him.  President Biden has spurred growth in Allentown, Pennsylvania.   That is great.  But we need to look at the bigger picture.  Why is he is Pennsylvania.  He is in Pennsylvania because it is a strong union state and an election battleground.  He does not care about the workers.  He only cares about the worker's votes.  Since Pennsylvania is a battleground state, his home state where he abandoned the union he is in there to try and win back their support.

President Biden claims that trickle-down economics does not work.  That means he is a socialist and not just controlled by the socialist.  The fact of the matter is that President Biden hates the free market.  He must have got some of President Obama’s anti-capitalism streak to rub off on President Biden.

There is only one reason why President Biden was in Allentown on Friday.  It is because the union is big in Allentown.  He is doing this for political reasons.  Yes, Allentown, is creating jobs and that is a good thing.  But they are only creating jobs for the unions.  They are leaving the White Collar class behind.  Yet it is the White Collar people who bring the money in to create the jobs by opening up the factories.  So here the white-collar worker is not the enemy that Union Joe is making them out to be.  Without the White Collar money, it is the Blue Collar workers that would be without jobs.  Funny how President Joe Biden and the Democrats selectively forget that. 

President Biden is touting that this is the strongest year for job development applicants.  That is great congratulations union Joe for that.  But it is the high taxes in this country that are killing the job market since job developers are feeling highly taxed in union states like California and New York.  This shows that Bidenomics is not working, if it is working it is only working for the select few.   As always comments accepted.

Union Joe  is back at work for unions
Image: Ringo H.W. Chiu

Source: President Joe Biden. “ Fact Sheet: President Biden Highlights Allentown, Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania’s Economic Comeback.” Washington, DC: Friday, January 12, 2024.

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