Thursday, February 1, 2024



By: Derek Varslaona

Dementia-ridden President Joe Biden gave a mockery of a speech yesterday, where his dementia shinned through at every moment.  

President Biden, said, “ I’m not going home.”  Does President Biden mean the White House or does he mean a dementia care facility? Coming to think of it now the White House is the biggest nursing home on the planet a mansion, with Jill Biden as the nurse and caregiver. 

President Biden promoted the Biden Victory fund.  So basically this is a slush fund for the loser in chief.  No matter what he does the poll ratings do not add up.  The fact is not many people want Biden vs. Trump again, but they are going to get it.  I am voting for Trump.

It is great that Veep Kamala Harris is the Vice President.  But whenever I see her I see the Joker a giggling idiot who does not seem to take anything seriously no matter how serious the situation.  Some even say she spends a lot of time on her knees to get to where she is today.

President Biden says he wants to make Trump a loser again.  The problem is that half the country never thought he lost. They thought the election was stolen.  Looking at the way the country is with inflation, President Trump is most likely to win again.

President Biden wrongly suggested the recession was caused by Trump.  No, we had the greatest economy under Trump.  The recession was caused by the Chinese with biowarfare with the coronavirus, that is what brought the economy down not Trump.  It is Biden who caused Bidenflation with his policies.

To date, 270 million people have gotten the jab for the coronavirus vaccine.  Are we living in a nation of sheep that just blindly follows their master?  The fact is they do not want to cure Covid.  Once a disease is cured there is no more money coming in.  You see people it is an entire medical industry now.  If they cure Covid it is the game over and no more funding and slush funds anymore.  I think there are doctors that specialize in Covid now as a medical practice.  For that reason and the money behind it the medical community can not cure COVID-19 the money would dry up and there is too much money behind it. 

President Biden brags that there are 14 million new jobs.  That is nothing to brag about.  That state actually sucks. The American rescue plan gave out $1,400 in Joe Biden bribes for votes campaign.

President Biden claims he is making progress on inflation.  That might be true, but the people feel their wallets getting lighter each passing day.  Bidenflation has caused this dilemma.  One way to stop inflation is to stop spending.  That will bring inflation down over time.  

President Biden promised that he would take down Big Pharma.  He has not.  He has helped Big Pharma succeed by prolonging the Covid pandemic.  The more Covid is out there the more money needs to be spent.  You see we will never cure covid.  The fact of the matter is that it is an entire industry now.  To cure it will dry up the funding and that will hurt the big pharma community.  The Democrats can not have that happen so they prolong the covid virus by treating the disease and not curing it. 

President Biden brags about $35.00 a month for insulin.  That is horrible, it costs too much for the drug.  Yes, it’s better than $400.  When people have to decide about food and money it sucks.  The fact is that all medications that are life-saving should be covered by insurance. 

The cost of prescription drugs is too high also.  Spending $12,000 dollars-$16,000 dollars a month is still too high.  President Biden says he is going to cap it at $2,000 maximum.  That is still too high.  The fact of the matter is people are choosing between food and drugs at that point.  The fact of the matter is all life-saving drugs should be covered under insurance, even Obama Care.   Obama Care and the Democrats are not doing their job.  As always comments accepted.

Dementia Ridden Joe Biden
January 23, 2024
Manassas, VA
Source: President Biden. “ Remarks By President Biden at Campaign Event in Florida.” Miami, F.L. : January 31, 2024.

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