Friday, February 2, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden is trying to enact Medicare for All, with the help of Congress.  That would be nice if not truly was for all.  No, that Obamacare sucks, they want to ruin Medicare.  The fact of the matter is Medicare is not for all not even if it was enacted into law.  For Medicare to truly be for all the Congress, the President, and all federal employees must go on Medicare.  That is not going to happen so President Biden is lying to us or he just does not know the law.  With that being said President Biden turned the White House into the biggest nursing home giving him his dementia care. 

President Biden said that he finally enacted a law.  Wrong again, it is Congress that makes and enacts the law.  The President has the right to veto it.  As of right now, Congress has not passed a Medicare for All law.  So what President Biden is doing is illegal if he is making a run around Congressional authority.

President Biden is also touting the Inflation Reduction Act.  The fact is that inflation still exist and the Inflation Reduction Act is what caused more inflation.  The more the government spends the more inflation is going to be.  The cost of prescription drugs being so high is due to inflation.  Also, Medicare is not just a senior issue.  Many disabled people who are on disability like myself get Medicare.  Medicare is great.  But it will not be for all.  In order to truly have Medicare for All, Congress, the President, and all Federal workers must go on Medicare.  So that is not going to happen so its a Mediscam for All really.

The best way to handle this is letting the patient negotiate their prices with the insurance company and be able to pay on a sliding scale money sue at the end of the month or pay into a yearly plan that is either billed in the beginning of the year on January 1 or the end of the year on December 31.

It is true that Big Pharma is charging more for people in America than in other developed and nondeveloped countries.  That is because Americans and America is the richest country in the world and the people can afford it.  But the better plan is to buy insurance across state lines and make the federal government's plan, the Congressional Plan, and the President of the United States health care plan an option for people to pay into on an open market of health care exchanges. 

The health insurance market made $135 billion in acquisitions.  The based the cost on to consumers.  That is what is called free market economics.  If you don’t like your insurance plan you should always be able to choose another.  That might take your doctor out of network and you might need a new doctor but if you want freedom you must be willing the role the dice. 

Medicare for All would work.  But it must truly be for all.  Congress, all federal workers including the military and the rest of the local and state governments must go on Medicare in order for it to be for all.  So with that being said, its not going to be for all, so the whole idea is a scam from the start.  As always comments accepted.

I've lied about Medicare for All
Image: President Biden
September 2014
Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Interested Parties  Memo: President Biden takes on Big Pharma and Is Lowering Prescription Drug Prices.” Washington, DC: Thursday, February 1, 2024.

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