Thursday, February 22, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden has socialized the student loan industry.  The government claims that they are giving out the student loans so they can cancel them if they want to.  But what about the student loans that are given out by the private banks?  Are those loans also allowed to be cancelled?  Also, if we forgive the student loan process are we going to forgive a business loan, a home loan, etc.  Where does the madness end?

President Biden did something borderline illegal by forgiving student loans.  The Supreme Court said that President Biden cannot forgive the student loans in the way that he is doing it.  Yet, President Biden is again going to his old ways and socializing the student loans in the same old fashion that he originally did which was deemed illegal by the Supreme Court.

On February 21, 2024, President Biden cancelled $1.2 billion in student loan debt for $153,000 borrowers.  I didn’t know that President Biden can just wave a magic wand and cancel student loan debt.  But when you socialize the student loan industry I suspect that anything is possible. 

What President Biden is actually doing is he is socialized the student loan industry.  President Biden made the argument to the Supreme Court that the government gives out the student loan so they can cancel them.  The Supreme Court said that was illegal and need to find another way.  But President Biden did not find another way.  He still went back to the same illegal way that he has been doing in the past.  I guess, President Biden is part of the crime syndicate the Biden crime family. President Biden has cancelled $138 billion dollars in student loan debt.  What President Biden is doing is he is turning the federal government into a criminal syndicate by doing so.

President Biden is pushing socialism by canceling student loans six months ahead of schedule.  What President Biden is doing is he is socializing the student loan industry and pushing socialism.  He is also buying votes.

President Biden has cancelled more student loans then any other President in US history.  That is not leading a country.  What that is is teaching college and graduate students that they can be irresponsible and still get ahead in life.  It does not teach them anything about responsibility in the long run.

Sure the government can make the argument that they provided the student loan so they can cancel them.  But the government gives away education for free instead of collecting the money and making money on the interest on the student loan.  

President Biden does not lead any room for borrowers to become responsible.  He just cancels it outright.  He is doing it in the same old fashion that the Supreme Court deemed was illegal.  There fore President Biden should be arrested and pay a fine for not following the law. 

President Biden started the save plan.  What President Biden is doing is telling students that it is okay to cheat the system.  The Supreme Court claimed the President Biden needs to find another way to forgive student loans.  President Biden still goes by the same old ways.  There fore he should be arrested for treason. As always comments accepted.

Socializing Student Loans
Image: AmericanProgress
February 21, 2024

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “Fact Sheet: President Biden Cancels Student Loan Debt for more than 150,000 Student Loan Borrowers ahead of Schedule.” Washington, DC: February 21, 2024.

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