Thursday, February 29, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden now wants to be in the business of protecting America’s data.  Well, I live in what is known as Data Center Alley, in Gainesville, Virgina, the Data Center Capital of the World.  Many people are against the data centers.  But I feel safer with a private data center controlling America’s information then I do having the federal, state or local government controlling my information.  I am worried that the government is going to use the information too spy on people that they do not like especially bloggers, podcasters and other independent journalist.  The fact of the matter is that the Data Center is controlling so much information on us.  It would be scary if the data centers are forced to hand over those certain documents or electronic information over to the federal government. 

On February 28,  President Biden issued an executive order to control America’s Data.  He claims he is doing this to protect Americans from the exploitation of foreign governments.  But having America’s data in the hands of President Biden and other federal officials does not make me feel any safer.  Will the NSA start spying on other people that they do not like?  Under the unAmerican Patriot Act, which I can’t believe is still in play is spying on Americans in the name of national security.  What happens when a data center is allowed to collect our information and store our information?  My concern is that these data centers are going to collect the information and be forced to hand it over to President Biden and the federal government.

My biggest concern with the government controlling our data is that the government will exploit the data.  I am afraid that the government is going to use the data to track our information.  Silly me, why should I be concerned?  The government is already tracking us on our iPhones,  IPADS, computers and any other device that we are using.  Sure you can run from the intrusive government but you can’t hide for the Biden regime.  If you think it is going to get any better under former President Trump or a Republican government you are surely mistaken.

My biggest fear is that the data centers are a way for  the government to collect information and spy on Americans.  This is a form of weaponizing the government against its own citizens.  

President Biden wants to track and keep tabs on Americans to collect information on people.  President Biden says the executive order is to protect people from foreign governments.  That might by true but the executive order allows him to spy on Americans by weaponizing the Data Centers.  As always comments accepted.

Biden will not protect our data 
Image: Jacquelyn Martin
February 7, 2023

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: President Biden Issues Executive Order to Protect American’s Sensitive Personal Data.” The White House. Washington, DC: Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

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