Wednesday, February 28, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

With inflation causing headaches for Americans, food insecurity is a major problem in America.  President Biden wants to solve the food insecurity with the help of the federal government.  But the food insecurity is better done by local charities and food banks then is done by the federal government.  Another great way to solve food insecurity is to offer large grocery corporations tax breaks to bring their unsold fresh food to food banks before the expiration date. 

President Biden is announcing 141 new ways to end food insecurity.  I applaud the effort but food insecurity is better left at the local level.  Each city has their own needs to solving the food shortage.  Therefore each cities and localities needs are different.  What might be a food crisis in San Francisco might not be a food crisis in New York City.   A lot of the food insecurity needs to be addressed by the climate and localities ability to grow produce.  Yes, climate change is going to have a cause and effect relationship with that.

The 141 new measures is bold and a great start.  But much of food insecurity can be done at the local level.  The better approach is for the federal government to give out competitive loans that the charities and food banks can apply and compete for. 

President Biden has an ambitious goal of ending hunger by 2030.  That is a great goal and might be his legacy.  But the question I have is President Biden even going to be alive by 2030?  The way to end hunger is to give each locality local control over the means and production of their food sourcing.  Another way is to give grocery stores tax breaks for donations of food to local food banks and charities before the expiration dates.  The best way for the city to control the hunger crisis is to give each locality community grants to end hunger. 

The Harlem Globe Trotters are filling the void of the food shortage.  They are beginning a two year partnership with Kaboom! an organization that focuses on healthy eating and dieting.  I should look into this organization for personal dietary development.  But this is a great way for local control that I am describing.  The more local control of the food supply, the less likely their is going to be a food shortage in that area.  The localities are better prepared to fight the food shortage than the federal government since each localities food crisis is different.

I applaud  President Biden in trying to end food insecurity and hunger.  But the best approach to is end it with help of corporate grocery stores donations of food to local food banks in their own communities.  As always comments accepted.

Ending Hunger through Charity

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: The Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1.7 billion in New Commitments Cultivated Through the White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities.” Washington, DC: Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

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