Saturday, March 30, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

An unnamed Dutch man was arrested after holding people hostage in a nightclub in The Netherlands.   At the time of the reporting, the man's name was not released.   What I find more troubling is there is no mention of the situation from the American media, President Joseph R. Biden, or the American Ambassador Shefali Razdan Duggal, who has dual responsibilities as Ambassador to The Netherlands and The Hague.  I am not saying that there will not be a policy statement.  But clearly, the Biden Administration from President Biden on down has dropped the ball in this situation.

As the President of the Free World, President Biden should lead on international relations.  A hostage situation where Americans might be in danger is the reason for the President and the Ambassador to make a statement on the matter.  We look to the President's leadership.  But like so many other issues, Sleepy Joe Biden has let us down again.

A President must be ready to handle international crises. Clearly, President Biden missed an opportunity to set terrorism policy in this manner in a hostage situation that could have involved American citizens.  As always comments accepted.

Biden is a weak leader
Piroschko Van DE Wouw
March 30, 2024

Source: Reuters. “ Dutch Police Arrest Man Exiting Night Club, Last Hostage Released.” Eye, The Netherlands.: March 30, 2024 Holy Saturday.



By: Derek Varsalona

The No Labels, ticket is having a failure to launch problem.  That is just how the two major parties the Democrats and Republicans want it to be.  Both parties want the No Labels coalition to fail since they threaten both parties.  Yesterday, No Labels, failed another setback after Governor Chris Christie declared he would not take their endorsement for President of the United States.  During that same week, their co-founder Joe Lieberman died after a fall in his house.  The Centrist group is still looking for a candidate. Both the Democrats and the Republicans want there to be a stranglehold on the politics so no legitimate third party has a shot at being on people's minds let alone finding a place in office.

No Labels a rising third-party contender failed to launch after another setback for their Presidential nominee.  A week after Joe Lieberman died as of complications from a fall, their next hopeful candidate Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey outright said no.  The brash Governor decided that now and possibly never is the time for him to be the party nominee.  This shows how hard it is to be a third-party contender in America.  The two major parties have a stranglehold on the politics in this country giving each person the illusion of having a choice in the matter. 

The key here is to get the money out of politics.  But that will never happen since the Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United Case that sending on political campaigns with no limits made the Feingold-McCain bill unconstitutional.  The fact of the matter is that we will never get money out of politics.  Money in politics is here to stay for its entirety.  The fact of the matter is that this was ruled to be a free speech issue by the Supreme Court.

Whether you like it or not money is never going to get out of politics.  As for No Labels, they are here to stay on a long and bumpy political road ahead. As always comments accepted.

No Labels Failure to Launch

Source: Kristina Peterson and Ken Thomas. “ No Labels 2024 Efforts Suffers More Setbacks.” The Wall Street Journal. Washington, DC: Friday, March 29, 2024.

Thursday, March 28, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

What happened to the Baltimore Bridge was a disaster.  As much as I want the search, rescue, and recovery effort to go smoothly I do think this should be a local effort in the recovery.  I believe that the Maryland National Guard and the Maryland police should help out with the effort even as much s to take full control of the operation.

Two bodies have been recovered found in a red pickup truck.  All of the dead are former migrants and eight construction workers fell in the water.  These people will not die in vain.

As much as this is a tragedy, I do think that the local efforts should lead the way.  The federal efforts to help with the recuse effort should only be at the request of the Governor and the Mayor.  With that being said the Baltimore National Guard should be the ones that are the most responsible for tackling the situation to alleviate the pressure on the federal government in this time of crisis.  

The rebuilding of the bridge should mainly be done by local and state funds.  The federal government should give as little help as needed and only heliport if asked in the current situation.  I believe that the red tape from the federal government is going to slow down the efforts of the recovery time.  To speed up the process the local and state government should be the ones in charge of the search and rescue mission.  

The state of Maryland has an underwater recovery team.  Those are the people that should be sent in first to handle the search and recovery efforts.  Finding live bodies right now is an unreachable goal.  I believe that those bodies have now frozen to death by drowning in fridge waters. I pray for the families of the victims.

The rebuilding of the bridge should also be under local control effort.  The majority of the taxes to pay for the bridge recovery should remain in the hands of the cities and localities of Washington, DC, and Baltimore citizens.  The federal government should be giving as little money as possible.  The federal government always seems to slow down the process.  I do believe that if President Biden and the federal government get more involved in the situation the rescue efforts are going to be slowed down.  To speed the process up the Maryland Underwater Recovery Team and the Maryland National Guard lead the effort for hopeful rescue and recovery efforts.  As always comments accepted.

Maryland Drive Team

Source: Madeline Halpert. “ Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Divers Find Two Bodies in Submerged Truck.” Baltimore: Thursday, March 28, 2024.



By: Derek Varsalona

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse is a horrible situation for the American economy.  If you think inflation is bad now, just wait a few days and see the inflation skyrocket since one of America’s busiest ports is closed due to a bridge being in the water.  This was not an act of terrorism but I can assure you that the terrorists are cheering the bridge collapse in Baltimore and getting ideas.

From all indications, this is a terrible accident that happened.  Watch for inflation to go up as a result of this.  Watching for commerce and getting goods and services out is going to be a problem soon.  As for cruising and tourism that is also affected, Baltimore will lose the tourism dollars it taxes as the bridge is in the water.

I applaud President Biden for the quick response to the crisis at hand.  He stays current with the times and realizes this is a terrible tragedy.  The federal government should be giving help in this time of need.  I call for a 25% split in funding among four ways of funding: Federal, State, County of Baltimore, and City of Baltimore should all be helping out in the process of rebuilding the bridge.  This should be a collaborative effort by all four levels of government so not one government sector is funding the entire burden of the reconstruction project.

President Biden was right to call on the Coast Guard to help out in recovery efforts. The Federal Highway Administration and the local government are helping out with this effort.  I applaud this structure by President Biden to relieve some of the burdens by the US taxpayer on the total construction of the bridge.  As always comments accepted.

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Remarks by President Biden on the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.” The White House. Baltimore: Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

The Republicans have the right approach when it comes to revamping the health coverage in America.  But they are off base.  Instead of having Medicare for all the Republicans want individual marketplace and health saving accounts.  This will not work as so many people still need to decide between food and medicine for their basic human needs to survive.  Health Care Reform has actually made it more expensive.  If you need to cover more people, especially the sick people then there is going to be more expensive.

President Biden also has the wrong approach when it comes to health care coverage.  The Affordable Care Act is not affordable at all.  The more affordable option is to go with a Senator Bernie Sanders-style approach of Medicare for All.  I am on Medicare and it works out well for me since I have Cerebral Palsy amongst other disabilities.  Medicare gives me the freedom to live a more productive life with out having to worry about more expensive Cadillac health care plans.  I want not only what is best for me but what is best for all the people of the nation.  That is why I support Medicare for All.

I’m pro-life.  So I naturally do not want Medicare covering abortions which it currently does not.  But I do understand that if I  want Medicare for All it is going to have to cover abortions a horrible medical procedure that kills a living baby.  But the only way to bring down medical costs in this country is for a Medicare for All type system.  Under my plan, the politicians and President Biden are also going to have to go on Medicare for All.  Medicare for All truly means Medicare for All.  

Libertarians will not agree with this.  But it gives people the liberty of not having to worry about being in debt or choosing between food and medicine for their daily needs. 

 The best solution is to kill the Affordable Care Act and go with a Medicare for All type approach.   That means we will have to revamp the system while the people are still on their medical coverage.  I am not asking to outlaw private insurance.  Private insurance can still be bought as a supplemental plan.   As always comments accepted.

We Need Medicare for All
Image: Jeffrey Sachs
March 4, 2019

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: As House Republicans Release Budget to Increase Health Care Coverage Costs and Take Away Coverage, President Biden and Vice President Harris Fight to Lower Health Care Cost and Protect and Strengthen the ACA, Medicaid and Medicare.” Washington, DC: March 26, 2024.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Maybe it is an election-year ploy?  Or maybe it is that Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden finally know the seriousness of illegal immigration.  Yesterday, President Biden trolled out Vice President Kamala Harris to release an immigration proposal that this might actually work, minus the Trump Wall.  

On Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris welcomed President Bernardo Arevalo of Guatemala to talk about illegal immigration into the United States. This is great for international relations.

The best way to stop illegal immigration is for the migrant countries to create good-paying jobs in their own country.  With Vice President Kamala Harris's help, these countries receive much-needed help.  The United States will invest $50 million in a Guatemala Transformation Initiative.  This will try and stop the illegal drug flow in Guatemala stopping illegal drugs from crossing into the United States and poisoning our youth.  This might work but it will not stop all drugs from crossing into the United States.  The better approach is to legalize all drugs and let the government control the drug trade opening it up as competitive commerce.  With the competition of all drugs into the market the government will be able to tax and create revenue for the country.  The drug trade could become an investment in America and we could use those dollars to build detox facilities that would be managed by private industry creating business and jobs. 

America will work with Guatemala to include job training for people in their home country.  This should be led by private industry in Guatemala and be spearheaded through private and public grants by US Corporations in cooperation and partnership with the US Embassy to Guatemala and US Ambassador Tobin Bradley.

Another way to stop illegal immigration is to have private corporations invest in job training and private apprenticeships in the country of Guatemala.  This will lead people to learn a trade to produce products for their home country's people.  These products can come into the American supply chain by free trade.

The best way to stop illegal immigration is to make Guatemala a trading partner or at least a better trading partner with the American people.  If people have job opportunities in their home countries they will be less likely to migrate to the United States illegally.  As always comments accepted.

We can stop illegal immigration the right way

Source: Vice President Kamala Harris. “ Fact Sheet: Vice President Harris Announces New Initiative to Strengthen the U.S.- Guatemala Relationship and Address the Root Causes of Migration from Guatemala.” Washington, DC: Monday, March 25, 2024.

Sunday, March 24, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

My heart goes out to the many lost souls at the Moscow concert where terrorists attacked and killed 93 people so far.  But this is partially the fault of Vladimir Putin, the fault of President Biden, and the fault of the terrorists.   The death toll stands now at 93 people mostly children.  The Islamic State claimed responsibility.

The fact that I blame President Biden and the State Department is that America was alerted of the terrorist potential attack and decided to stand down.  So the Biden Administration has blood on its hands.  The Biden administration is partially responsible for the terrorist attack and the lost souls.  But why does President Biden care, he has a history of violence supporting abortion and so does the Democratic party for that matter, where in abortion an innocent baby is murdered since the mother can not handle the burden.

Many children were killed, as many children are killed in abortion.  The Americans have blood on their hands as President Biden and the State Department were alerted.  Instead of taking the threat seriously they stood by idle and did nothing.  So President Biden is partially responsible for the deaths of 93 people.  I do not expect President Biden to do anything in this matter.  I do not even think he is going to take me up on my call to lead a coalition to overthrow Putin, either by peace or by force.   This shows the President Biden is a weak leader.  

What ISIS is trying to do is work with Russia to decide the outcome of an American election.  This is reminiscent of the Liberal claim that Putin interfered in American elections to get President Trump elected.  But Russia has a history of interfering in international affairs as do the United States.  I believe the United States interfered in the Iraq election after the fall of Saddam Hussein to get a person that America liked.  What Dictator Vladimir Putin is doing is he is interfering in international affairs now.  Now only does he not want to annex Ukraine and make the USSR again, by getting the old band back together but he wants to control the world.  I do think that Putin is working with ISIS, and I do think Putin had something to do with this attack in Russia to strike fear into Ukraine and the world.  As of today, 11 people are detained in connection with the attack.

The best way to deal with Putin is to lead a coalition to peacefully remove him from office.  As for ISIS, President Biden is to weak of a leader to deal with them.  ISIS knows this and that is why they attacked the concert since they knew that there would be American citizens at the concert.  As always comments accepted.

Terrorist attack at Concert Hall
Abhijett Kumar
New DElhi

Source: Victoria Kim. “ Moscow Concert Hall Shooting Russia Searches for Assailants After the Attack.” The New York Times.  Moscow: Saturday, March 23, 2024.


AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN UKRAINE By: Derek Varsalona For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not...