Friday, March 8, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Going into an election year President Biden has started class warfare on the middle class and the rich in America.  It is harmful to America and will increase and prolong the recession that is the making of the Democratic Party.  President Biden does not want to end the recession.  With Bidenomics he wants to prolong it and prolong the class ware fare struggle to keep Americans dependent on the government in all of its stages.

President Biden wants to achieve a fairer tax system.  But what he really is proposing is socialism.  He wants to punish the rich for being successful and give them money in the form of a handout rewarding the poor for not wanting to work to make an honest day living.   We should have a fairer tax system.  But a fairer tax system does not mean that the rich are going to pay more in taxes.  That is economically unfair.  To get a fairer tax system the government must institute the flat tax.

A fairer tax system under Biden is not free market economics it is socialism 101. The fair tax system that President Biden is proposing is outright class warfare. It rewards the poor for not getting up off their lazy ass and trying to find a job.  It attacks the very people that work hard to make America run.  I do not think that this is an election strategy that would win.  But then again there are a lot of stupid people in America.  The fact of the matter is to make a fair tax system then everyone needs to put into the economy and everyone needs to take money out of the economy.  While we are talking about fair let me propose this.  People pay income taxes on their social security since that is income that you put in over the years and you let the government pay you back that is income.

President Biden is proposing a 15% income tax on wealthy corporations and corporations in general.  That is one way to kill free market economics.  With that President Biden is instituting socialism.  Eventually, with that tax system, all corporations are going to be subject to the federal government with socialism.  What President Biden is doing is killing the right to become a free corporation.  This is going to make more corporations not leave the United States but I suggest they are going to file to become a foreign corporation in the Cayman Islands or other better tax structures with breaks for corporations.

It is not that President Biden does not want to cut taxes.  He does.  But he wants to cut taxes for people who already obtain tax cuts by not paying any taxes at all.  He is proposing cutting taxes for people earning less than $400,000.00  That is not a tax cut that is highway robbery.  The fact is these people, the poor are going to get a tax cut by not paying any taxes at all.  That is not with the Democratic way of paying your fair share.  Under my plan of tax, everyone pays something in taxes including the poor and paying taxes on social security.  That means everyone has something to gain and everyone has something to lose in the process.

Businesses listen up you are getting screwed also by Bidenomics. President Biden wants corporations to pay a tax rate of 28%.  That will kill a business.  If you want to save your business the best bet is to invest and incorporate in the Cayman Islands and not incorporate in America. 

President Biden is also instituting a European-style Tax System. He wants a 21% tax rate on multinationals.  That is going to kill business and hurt America in the realm of foreign and international relations.  The best bet to save your business is to incorporate offshore, please look up the Cayman Islands. 

President Biden also wants to make the rich poor again.  He is proposing a 25% on the wealthy.  That is going to kill business in America and make people poor.  It is going to make people more dependent on the government.  If President Biden wants the rich to pay their fair share then the poor need to pay their fair share also by paying taxes on the social security incomes and welfare checks.   As always comments accepted.

Bidens class warfare
Image: President Biden
Fox Business
November 6, 2023

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: President Biden is Fighting to Reduce Deficit, Cut Taxes for Working Families and Invest in America by making Big Corporations and Wealthy Pay their Fair Share.” Washington, DC: March 7, 2024.

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