Monday, May 13, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden’s dementia must be getting better?  Either that or he finally woke up from his slumber.  President Bind has finally punished China for giving America the coronavirus by imposing a 102.5% tariff.  The tariff will double, triple, and quadruple in days, not weeks. President Biden claims this is in the defense of the American worker. 

President Biden has finally ended his mental slumber in dealing with China.  He will impose a 102.5% tariff on the Communist nation that has given the world coronavirus.  It is about time that someone did this.  Far too long has China been getting away with murder literally after unleashing the coronavirus.  It is about time that someone punished them and President Joe Biden was just the man to do it. 

The tariffs on China will double, triple or quadruple.  I just wonder how he is going to decide which ones go into effect and which items get doubled, tripled, or quadrupled?  I do not know if this needs to be decided by a vote in Congress but if so I would support such a yeah vote on tariffs on China.  China has to understand that they can not give coronavirus to the world and expect to just get away with it.  Unfortunately, until now no one has stood up to China for giving the world Corona Virus. 

President Biden is doing this in the defense of the American worker.  No, he is doing this in defense of only the union worker not the American non-worker union.  But at least President Biden finally has the backbone to stand up to China and punish them with tariffs for giving Americans and the world coronavirus.  As always comments accepted.

Biden Stands up to China
Image: Time Rue
THe Atlantic
June 9,2021

Source: Eric Martin. “ Biden’s China Tariffs Salvo to Range from Doubling to Quadruple.”  New York City: May 12, 2024.

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