Wednesday, May 29, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

This week, President Biden made a push for the Liberals Green Agenda forcing it on the American people against their will.   He attacked the Carbon Market as bad for America and is choosing sides in the economy.  President Biden is pushing socialism with more government control of the free market this time with imposing environmental standards and bypassing Congress in the process.

President Biden claims that this is his most ambitious climate agenda in history.   It would be nice if he believed in letting Congress take a vote on the matter.  I do not think he is going to let Congress take a vote since he knows that even with AOC he does not have the votes to get the measure past  Congress. To get his agenda passed President Biden has to resort to bribing big business to get along with him.  In his bribery attempt, President Biden secured $860 billion through public bribery.  President Biden is trying to get rid of your gas guzzler.  Watch for him to give you a tax credit if you buy an electric car.

President Biden wants his legacy to be a clean energy initiative.  President Biden is pushing for a clean planet, cutting gas emissions by half in 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050.  Funny, I thought that Captain Planet was a cartoon, but with President Biden in office it seems like the real thing. 

Now, to make matters worse it seems that big corporations are on board with the initiative.  It is okay if they willingly went on board to do this that is the choice.  It would be a totally different scenario if the corporations were bribed to make the initiative.   President Biden states in his outline that companies are going to be bribed to make the investment.  President Biden is going to give companies carbon credits for followers, which is basically a kickback for behavior like a good little child that follows their parents' orders.  Or it is more like giving a dog or cat treat for following directions.  In this case, the America people are the dependent animals and President Biden is our master.   As always comments accepted.

Mighty Green Joe 

Source: President Joseph R. Biden : “Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Principles for High Integrity Voluntary Carbon Markets.” Washington, DC: Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

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