Thursday, May 2, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Joseph R. Biden wants internet access for all.  Who could be against that?  The fact of the matter is that there is ample opportunity to get the internet.  If you can not afford the internet you can definitely go to an internet cafe and meet people for a fraction of the cost and have a nice cup of coffee or a meal to go along with it.  If that does not work out you can always go to your public library.  The only problem with the public safe internet is there might be a time limit for usage.  That is why we do not need the government to give everyone access to the internet.  That already exists but people need to be savvy and know where to find it i.e. go to your local library or internet cafe.

The Affordability Connectivity program has the smell of socialism all around it.  Once the government gives away the internet for free they will most likely try to control the information coming out of the Internet.  I fear that gone are the days of the internet truly being independent.  I am afraid the government is going to try and shut down internet sites that they do not deem credible.  That would be a violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 

President Biden is concerned that people will see their internet bills go up next month.  Well if the government takes over the internet the bills are definitely going to go up.  We tried affordability once before with Obama Care better known as the Affordable Care Act.  That actually raised the cost of health insurance and there are still people without health coverage.  So I am very skeptical of President Biden making the internet accessible to all.  President Biden does not need to do this.  The Internet is already accessible to all via a public library, a coffee house that has wifi, or an Internet cafe.  The government does not need to get involved in socializing the internet.   As always comments accepted.

Biden to Socalize the Internet

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Continues to Call On Congressional Republicans and Internet Service Providers to Keep Americas Connected as the Affordable Connectivity Program enters Final Month.” Washington, DC:  Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

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