Friday, May 3, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Teaching is a racket.  Always will be and always has been.  I was once a teacher aide in a Middle School for Special Education.  But my favorite part about teaching was the time I spent connecting with the students in Academic Suspension. I taught those children by listening to their side of the story and giving them tips on how to stay out of trouble.  I already knew the teacher's side of the story, I wanted to know what the guilty student felt.  Growing up with a learning disability was not easy, especially with Short Term Memory Loss.  I was very relaxed as a teacher's aide. I left the student to call me Derek instead of Mr. Varsalona.  I wanted the students to see me as a friend, a better way to connect than as an authority figure.  I also wanted to avoid being in a union and wanted to negotiate my own pay structure and benefits.   These are the reasons why I never became a teacher.

President Biden is now working to strengthen the teaching profession.  That is great, but he is only doing this to support and grow the union.  He might have a special calling for this since his wife Dr. Jill Biden was or still is a professor. 

I do not think for it would be worth it to teach.  I love working with kids but I am too lax to be a teacher. As stated above, I do not mind kids calling me by my first name.  I really do not do well with authority, although I do not disrespect authority, unless of course, you are Joe Biden.  There are many staffing challenges to teaching.  One challenge is the lack of respect that you get from the student body.  Also, your hands are tied since you can not instruct with force.  Another reason why I was not a teacher is that a special education teacher in 10th grade used to call us stupid, retarded, every name under the book, etc.  

President Biden wants the states to decide to increase teacher pay.  That is the wrong approach.  The best approach would be for the teachers' union to break up and make each teacher and Independent Contractor negotiate their own benefits and salary.  Also, the bad teachers should be fired and the school districts can get fresh blood and retain great teachers.   As always comments accepted.

Teaching Profession is a noble racket
Cameron Diaz
October 8, 2011
Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Support Strengthen Teaching Profession.” Washington, DC: May 2, 2024.

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