Monday, July 22, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

As a political observer for many years, I find it sickening to see what is happening to President Biden.  To see your own party throw you under the bus is quite amusing and sickening at the same time.  The fact of the matter is that President Biden has stuck his neck out for President Obama on most occasions if not all.  He has stuck his neck out for the Democratic Party, being a true labor guy, and now the Democratic Party has thrown him under the bus and out to pasture. I'll admit it I attack Biden's dementia every day. I am not a medical doctor just a cautious observer and that is what I think.

But what is more sickening is the fact that so many Democrats are ready to dig the political grave for President Biden.  Let us face it President Biden is as politically ancient as the dinosaurs and the Egyptian Pharaoh.  But to see a man who has given his whole life to the union and his whole life to the Democratic Party to be thrown under the bus like this so it runs him over is not only sad but sickening.  I guess in politics you eat your own.

With that being said President Biden is thinking of dropping out of the Presidential race.  But this is not the end of it for President Biden.  The fact of the matter is once he suspends his campaign there is going to be another political choir asking him to suspend his presidency and resign.  They want to see Kamala Harris as a test run before she runs for President.  That would leave Speaker Mike Johnson as the Vice President, which would be an interesting combination. 

The fact is now, President Biden is toast.  Trump leads in 7 swing states after being shot.  What is also sickening is seeing the people on Facebook actively calling for President Trump to die and saying they would not have missed.  This is a sick time of politics one for praising Trump's assassin and asking him to be dead literally and another asking President Biden to be politically dead.  As always comments accepted.

President Biden is a lame duck

Source: Gemma Allen. "2024 Election: The Elephant in the Room-Kamala Harris." Sunday, July 21, 2024.

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