Tuesday, July 23, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Yesterday, the lame duck President tried to tackle climate change.  At this point, I just think that climate change is a great liberal talking point.  I do think they are serious about tackling it but I think we are too far gone down the road of uncertainty that there is no backtracking on this issue.

President Biden will try to tackle climate change with good-paying jobs.  Watch for the Liberal establishment to try and get rid of your gas-guzzling care for an electric vehicle.  It would be nice to transition to clean energy if you could save money in the process.  But usually clean energy is expensive and as of right now or in the future the public does not want to have it rammed down their throats.  Do not be surprised if the people throw in revolt by not electing Democrats in the process. 

President Biden talks about environmental justice.  But environmental justice is not justice.  Justice works when it works for all people.  Environmental justice on the other hand only works for the select few.  It puts the coal minors out of business and President Biden is wrong and cruel to say these people can find jobs in the clean green energy sector.  That is partially true, maybe for a 20-year-old it is going to be easy, but for a 50-year-old to find a great job with benefits in this industry with competitive pay is going to be quite a challenge.

Environmental justice is justice.  But it is only justice for a few and not for all.  Because of that Environmental Justice forced is socialism and an unAmerican concept.  As always comments accepted.

President Biden tackles climate change

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. "Statement From President Joe Biden on Climate Pollution Reduction Grants." Whitehouse.gov Washington, DC: Monday, July 22, 2024.


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