Tuesday, July 23, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Let me first congratulate Presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris on obtaining the nomination for President of the United States.  The fact of the matter is that Vice President Kamala Harris is running on the history of the situation as opposed to then-nominee Hillary Clinton who actually ran on substance.  There is more to being President than being the first black female nominee.  The fact of the matter is that Vice President Kamala Harris is actually going to have to lead on day one and I do not think that she is prepared to do so.  I would much rather have a businessman in President Donald Trump to lead the country than a politician whose state of California is in decline and disarray. 

Nominee Vice President Harris claims she is going to bring the battle right to the American people to decide.  That is true since America has a big choice.  It is a choice between preserving freedom with the Republicans or heading into a socialist dystopia with the Democrats.    A Kamala Harris Presidency would be a disaster.  I never think of her as President but somehow every image I see of her is that of the Joker in Batman laughing all the way to the bank.  Kamala Harris is a joke.

Now it is time for Americans to decide if they want America to be a socialist joke or America to be a prosperous nation once again.  Right now, Harris is polling worse than President Trump.  The fact of the matter is she did horrible in the primary and unfortunately, America will be sold into voting for history rather than voting for prosperity.  As always comments accepted.

Vice President Harris is a joke
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Source: Vice President Harris. "Statement from Vice President Harris on Becoming the Presumptive Democratic Nominee for President." Whitehouse.gov Washington, DC: Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

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