Thursday, September 5, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

As a former Special Education student with short term memory loss I applaud President Biden for trying to help students with special needs.  But he is going about it the wrong way.  I agree that there should be better funding for special education.  But throwing money at the problem is not going to solve the problem without the parents involved in their children's education.  As or right now, the city with the most special education students is the NYC schools the largest school district in the country.

I agree that Schools are the bedrock of society.  But school choice works out better for students with special needs than trying to trap them in failing schools which is mostly the inner city schools.  I believe that one of the main factors in a failing school is not that there are bad teachers, although I have had bad teachers.  But it is the lack of parent involvement in their child's education.  It is hard for a parent to be involved in their child's education if they need to work two or more jobs just to cover rent and put food on the table.  The other problem is in most cases in the minority community the child lacks a strong father figure who has skipped out on their responsibilities of being a father.  I applaud former President Obama for telling fathers to stay in the home.  I also think a reason why there is a higher abortion rate in the African American community is because the father skips out on their responsibilities and leaves the woman behind.  This affects the student's education in the long run when a parent has to work two or three jobs and can not make the special education meetings or the PTA and SEPTA meetings.  This hurts the child in the long run.

I agree with President Biden that schools are the bedrock of society.  A great education could lead to a great job. See how I stress the word could....nothing is guaranteed in life.  That is why I am a strong proponent of school choice and charter schools.  Changing a child's environment can change the whole outcome for the child's success or lack thereof.  It takes a village to make a child a success, and the one thing failing schools lack is parental involvement due to working multiple jobs to make a living.  Now, with inflation making a living is that much harder.  You can thank  President Biden for taking the poor with Bidenflation. 

President Biden wants to advocate more for tutoring.  I support this but then again it is the parent's decision not the government that should be managing the tutoring.  Also once the parent manages the tutoring it is up to the student to go to the tutoring for help.

It is great that President Biden is trying to fund education.  But is he doing this to fund the teachers union over the student's success?  I think that a teacher's success should be tied to the grades that the students make.  Sometimes it is the teacher's fault but it mainly is the student's fault for not studying hard enough.  A school district should have the right to fire a bad teacher and like students, each teacher should have a progress report and report card to see how they are doing and how they can make better progress.  In the end, the teacher and the students must be held accountable for their actions.  Just like a poor student who does not study hard fails the course a poor teacher should be fired if a majority 51% or more of that teacher's class is failing the course.  As always comments accepted.

Education is on the wrong track
June 3, 2010

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. " Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Additional Actions to Drive Academic Success for All Students." Washington, DC: September 4, 2024.

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