Tuesday, September 10, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden has the right approach to funding more mental health possibilities.  But where the President goes wrong is the fact that he thinks that the government is going to solve the problem.    We can throw all the money at the mental health system that it needs.  And we will still not make a dent in the recovery or prevention of mental illness.  The government does not have the answer, but the Beatles did to some extent partially.  " All you need is love."  You need more love for your fellow people in the community to solve the mental health crisis.  The love component is the one component that is missing.

The way to stop substance abuse is to make people not afraid to get the help that they need.  I am dealing with my own substance abuse problem as I am addicted to caffeinated coffee.  Through counseling, I am getting help.  I can easily drink five cups of coffee a day caffeinated only.  Yes, it is a problem for me and I am getting help.  To be honest I do not know how it started.

All of the mental health care should be covered by insurance.  But again the insurance is not going to solve the problem.  Throwing money at the mental health crisis is not going to solve the mental health crisis.  But love is.  If people know they are being loved and treated with respect they will be more likely to come out of the shadows of their addiction.  One of the reasons that people do not come out of the shadows and break the chains of addiction is because they think that they are going to be handed over to the police.  So they live a life of pain and suffering in secret.

It is right that the mental health crisis should be covered.  But the coverage is not going to solve the problem.  People can talk to people about their addiction all they want.  But if they do not feel love and compassion from their peers the chances of solving their addiction are not going to happen.  Some people use their addiction to escape the pain of loneliness or not being understood.  They go the drug to ease their pain, which in this case leads to more drug addictions in the process.

The best way to cure the mental health crisis is love.  Government can only do so much and no matter how much you throw at the problem it's still not enough.  Again I stress, that the way to cure the mental health crisis in this country is to love one another.  As always comments accepted.

More Love will help the mentally ill
Image: Katie MacLeod

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. "Fact sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Lowers Mental Health Care Costs by Improving Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Care." Whitehouse.gov Washington, DC: Monday, September 9, 2024.


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