Wednesday, January 31, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

This week, an Iranian drone strike attacked and killed US Service Members.  President Biden is slapping the families of the fallen in the face by not even attending a memorial service for the victims and their families.  These drone attacks were probably the weapons from the deal that President Obama gave Iran in the Iranian Nuclear Deal.  Now, they are using nukes to kill the Americans.  It is funny that the media is ignoring that fact in the whole situation.

People seemed to be outraged at President Biden.  When asked to attend a memorial service for the fallen victims of the Iran drone strike, President Biden turned his back on them and gave them the middle finger figuratively. He shows that he could care less about the American victims.  President Biden seems to be complicating fiddling his thumbs on what should be an easy issue.  This should be a no-brainer, but again President Biden is acting like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.  President Biden does have a brain but it is full of dementia.  The dementia is clouding his judgment.

This move is detrimental.  What should be a nonissue at attending the service and speaking he is turning his back on the victims.  It shows cowardliness, not leadership.  Due to his cowardliness, I suggest that President Biden is unfit to lead and is a poor commander-in-chief. As always comments accepted.

Joe Biden Disrespects the fallen
Image: The Independent
Friday, August 27, 2021

Source: Melissa Koenig. “ Biden Sparks Outrage with Reports That He May Not Attend Ceremony Honoring Troops Killed in Jordan. The New York Post. Washington, DC: Tuesday, January 30, 2024.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Is AI taking over the world?  Will we soon have an AI President or member of Congress?  President Biden is getting scared of AI.  He is trying to find ways to tame the AI industry.  But AI can not be tamed.  Yes it is dangerous to think that a computer or computer chip is much smarter than us.  But instead of fearing AI for our human existence we must embrace AI and learn to work with AI.  Artificial Intelligence is only as smart as the people that program and put the software and algorithms in it to make it work.  Still there needs to be a human component to make AI work.  I do think that AI can save lives on the battle field.  What if World War III, was fought entirely by AI in a cyber warfare with no civilian casualties?  Just think of the possibilities.

President Biden wants to manage the risk of AI.  Well he is not doing a good job.  The question is can AI be tamed or managed?  The only ay that AI is managed is through a human element that makes AI work.  AI workers should be able to work freely to create a great platform that helps Americans and American innovation.  They should not be stringed out with pressure of more red tape and more government regulations, which stifle or kill industry.

President Biden wants to assess AI risk for infrastructure and stop foreign actors from developing AI for Harmful  purposes.  But I am sure he is not stopping the Defense Department from using AI to start a war fro harmful purposes.  I am afraid that President Biden is going to use AI to start a war.  Yes, an AI war would save lives on the battle field but America should not be in the business of trying to start any war.  In fact, President Trump was the leader that did not start any new wars. 

President Biden wants the government alerted when foreign actors use AI.  But is the government going to be alerted when the private sector or private citizens use aI to their advantage?  It is scary how much control AI is going to have over our lives and at the same time the government is going to use AI to control their citizens and spy on their citizen I presume.

President Biden wants AI oversight.  But that is too much government control.  I am afraid the government is going to use the AI to spy on their own citizens.  It is better to have the AI in the hands of the private sector then the FEDS.   As always comments accepted.

Image: Eightify

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Key AI Actions Following President Biden’s Landmark Executive Order.” Washington, DC: January 29, 2024.

Monday, January 29, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

On Saturday, there was a terrorist attack as three U.S. Service members were killed and many wounded.

This was due to an unmanned arsenal that killed the people.  This shows that the terrorists will stop at nothing to stop the war.  Yet we have President Biden who fails to hit the terrorists back due to his support from the anti-war base.  The world is non-fire and they are testing President Biden.  President Joe Biden is not up to the task as commander in chief.  He a weak strategy for dealing with terrorism and even weaker negotiation skills.  This is probably due to his dementia. 

The attack was carried out by Iranian terrorist group operations in Syria and Iraq.  Yet, in the press release, President Biden shows his weakness by not calling them terrorists.  He calls them militants.  Not calling someone a terrorist is not going to stop them from committing terror.  The fact is the world is testing President Biden and he has shown time and time again that he is not up to the task at hand.

President Biden claimed that he is “ grieving the loss of these warriors in this despicable  and wholly unjust attack.”  But the fact of the matter is President Biden is also unjust by not calling the people terrorists.  Not calling someone a  terrorist is not going to stop someone from committing terrorism.   Just like a shark smells blood in the water the terrorist can sniff out a weak leader in President Biden.  President Biden has blood on his hands. As always comments accepted.

Biden the weak leader
Image: BostonHearld 
March 27, 2022
Stuart Cahill

Source: President Joe Biden. “ Statement from President Joe Biden on Attack on U.S. Service Members in Northeastern Jordan Near Syrian Border.” Washington, DC: January 28, 2024.

Sunday, January 28, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Thinking of going on a honey moon or a nice get away to The Bahamas this year.  Better think again if you’re an American citizen.   The US Embassy in Nassau, The Bahamas issued a travel advisory asking Americans not to travel to the Bahamas.  They say it is too dangerous and this time it is not the sharks that are eating people.  This time it is the citizens that are attacking American citizens and stealing their belongings. 

The State Department said to exercise extreme caution when going to The Bahamas.  Now the tiny island nation is going to crash economically due to the fact that American dollars will not be supported on the island.  I would not be surprised if their is a terrorism on the island.  It might seem far fetched but when you are draining a tiny nations spheres of influence in this sense tourism dollars people will take drastic measures in order to survive. 

I was right that terrorism is occurring.  Their is gang violence and many murders occurring on the island.  So in my book that constitutes terrorism.  Whether it is Bahamanian state sponsored terrorism is another question that needs to be answered?  The fact of the matter is the socialist are going to say that socialism will work here since the people are not getting their fair share of the tourism dollars.  Does that mean The Bahamas is going to turn to a socialist country?  I would not be surprised.  To date, at least 18 murders have occurred on the island this year and it is only the beginning of the year.   Murders are occurring at all hours of the day, even in broad daylight so even in the sun you are not safe let alone the night.  I also attribute that to the warm weather.  People normally do not kill when it is too cold out.  But where it is always hot a lot of murders occurs.

I am not saying that you should not go to The Bahamas. That is your personal freedom to do so.  I am saying use caution when traveling to The Bahamas.  As always comments accepted.

Travel Warning issued for Bahamas
Travel Advisory
Janaury 26, 2024

Source: Shweta Kukreti. “ US Issues Travel Warning for The Bahamas After 18 murders Reported this Month.” Nassau: Saturday, January 27, 2024.

Saturday, January 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Does President Joe Biden really care about the environment or is it just a one-trick pony to get votes?  I think it is both.  On Friday, January 26, 2024, President Biden laid out an ambitious agenda to get green energy jobs at the cost of black energy jobs, coal, and oil.  

Yes, climate change is a threat.  But the question is,  is it man-made? Whatever your take is President Biden really does not care in the long run.  He only cares about the green agenda that he will try to get through by Executive Order.  I was right that the Green New Deal is a peace meal since they need help getting the package as a whole through Congress.

I agree, that Climate Change is not a hoax.  But the question is: is it man-made?  I believe that humans have some contribution to our daily lives and by what we consume.  But people should be free to choose what they consume in terms of economics.  The government's overreaching hand in our economy is what is causing inflation in the first place.   It might lower costs and that is a good thing.  But the bad thing is the government is forcing its hands on the economy and lowering costs.  The lowering of cost should not be regulated by the federal government or even the state level or local level.  Let the consumer be the ultimate decider of the cost of the product.  If it does not sell, you either lower the price or take the product off the shelves. 

President Biden is pausing natural gas for what he says needs further research.  That is not true.  He is pausing natural gas since the gas and oil companies are big contributors to the Republican Party.  The fact of the matter is President Biden is playing politics and supporting clean energy since they support him.  It is a quick pro-quo and a quick pay-to-play scheme. 

President Biden is putting a pause on the Liquified Natural Gas policy.  That is going to kill our economy.  Favoring one form of energy over another is only going to raise the inflation rate and prices are going to go up.  The way to bring down inflation is to let all forms of energy flourish equally.

President Biden claims that 210,000 jobs were created.  I will give him credit. That is true. But it has only been found in clean energy jobs.  President Biden is playing politics picking and choosing the winners and losers.  What we need is someone who believes in the free market and lets the free market decide the cost and availability of natural gas and clean energy.  As always comments accepted.

Joe s Green Agenda
Ramsay De Give 
August 16, 2023

Source: President Joe Biden. “ Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Temporary Pause on Pending Approvals of Liquified Natural Gas Exports.” Washington, DC: Friday, January 26, 2024.

Friday, January 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden should be brought to court for violating the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.  He is coming out with a new gun control regulation that restricts firearm access in this country and is curbing constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.  The man does not like guns.  The fact of the matter is gun violence might be a mental health crisis.  But safe firearms training is the way to prevent firearm death.  If my world, everyone who wants a gun should be able to get a gun.  A well-armed society is a safer society.  As of right now, President Biden is acting like a dictator.  The fact of the matter is when any dictator first comes to power the first thing they do is disarm the public to make them defenseless.  Never, let the government take your gun away.  Also, never give up your right to keep and bear arms.

President Biden is making moves to have people safely store their firearms.  This is a good goal.  But it should be a personal issue whether or not you want to store your firearm in a safe or if you want to keep your firearm on your nightstand.  It should not be the government's responsibility to tell people how to store and handle their firearms. 

Gun violence is the leading cause of death in children.  The fact of the matter is the parents should be training the child on how to safely use a firearm.  It is not the government’s responsibility to teach people how to use a firearm.  Remember people, the NRA does not sell arms, but Planned Parenthood does sell aborted babies arms for research. 

Today, 4.6 million children live in a home with an unsecured firearm.  But this is a matter of personal responsibility.  It is up to the parent to secure the firearm not the federal, state, or local government.  As of right now 76% of school shootings are caused by firearms from the home.  But the issue here is not that the gun is bad.  The issue is that children do not respect one another and often tease each other in clicks and what other social groups they form.  I had a lot of “friends” but was never invited to the big parties.  I guess I was an outsider.  I always wanted a firearm but would never think of shooting up a school or anything since I respect the right to life in all its stages from conception until natural death.  The fact of the matter is that President Biden wants it to seem like guns are bad.  It is not the gun is bad, the gun is a tool for protection.

As of right now, 80% of firearm deaths occur in suicides.  That is not going to change.  But it you want to stop suicides the gun is not going to stop it.  Better love for one another and stronger bonds among family and friends are going to stop school shootings and suicides.  No amount of gun control is going to stop a school shooting or a suicide.  It is gun control that causes that.  What is going to stop the suicides and school shootings is better respect and love for your fellow human beings.  As always comments accepted.

Biden to restrict gun access
Image: August 11, 2019
New York Times 

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ White House Announces New Actions to Promote Safe Storage of Firearms.” Washington, DC: Thursday, January 25,2024.


AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN UKRAINE By: Derek Varsalona For all the Democrats talk about not being involved in Iraq, we still have not...