Friday, January 26, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden should be brought to court for violating the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.  He is coming out with a new gun control regulation that restricts firearm access in this country and is curbing constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.  The man does not like guns.  The fact of the matter is gun violence might be a mental health crisis.  But safe firearms training is the way to prevent firearm death.  If my world, everyone who wants a gun should be able to get a gun.  A well-armed society is a safer society.  As of right now, President Biden is acting like a dictator.  The fact of the matter is when any dictator first comes to power the first thing they do is disarm the public to make them defenseless.  Never, let the government take your gun away.  Also, never give up your right to keep and bear arms.

President Biden is making moves to have people safely store their firearms.  This is a good goal.  But it should be a personal issue whether or not you want to store your firearm in a safe or if you want to keep your firearm on your nightstand.  It should not be the government's responsibility to tell people how to store and handle their firearms. 

Gun violence is the leading cause of death in children.  The fact of the matter is the parents should be training the child on how to safely use a firearm.  It is not the government’s responsibility to teach people how to use a firearm.  Remember people, the NRA does not sell arms, but Planned Parenthood does sell aborted babies arms for research. 

Today, 4.6 million children live in a home with an unsecured firearm.  But this is a matter of personal responsibility.  It is up to the parent to secure the firearm not the federal, state, or local government.  As of right now 76% of school shootings are caused by firearms from the home.  But the issue here is not that the gun is bad.  The issue is that children do not respect one another and often tease each other in clicks and what other social groups they form.  I had a lot of “friends” but was never invited to the big parties.  I guess I was an outsider.  I always wanted a firearm but would never think of shooting up a school or anything since I respect the right to life in all its stages from conception until natural death.  The fact of the matter is that President Biden wants it to seem like guns are bad.  It is not the gun is bad, the gun is a tool for protection.

As of right now, 80% of firearm deaths occur in suicides.  That is not going to change.  But it you want to stop suicides the gun is not going to stop it.  Better love for one another and stronger bonds among family and friends are going to stop school shootings and suicides.  No amount of gun control is going to stop a school shooting or a suicide.  It is gun control that causes that.  What is going to stop the suicides and school shootings is better respect and love for your fellow human beings.  As always comments accepted.

Biden to restrict gun access
Image: August 11, 2019
New York Times 

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ White House Announces New Actions to Promote Safe Storage of Firearms.” Washington, DC: Thursday, January 25,2024.

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