Saturday, January 27, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Does President Joe Biden really care about the environment or is it just a one-trick pony to get votes?  I think it is both.  On Friday, January 26, 2024, President Biden laid out an ambitious agenda to get green energy jobs at the cost of black energy jobs, coal, and oil.  

Yes, climate change is a threat.  But the question is,  is it man-made? Whatever your take is President Biden really does not care in the long run.  He only cares about the green agenda that he will try to get through by Executive Order.  I was right that the Green New Deal is a peace meal since they need help getting the package as a whole through Congress.

I agree, that Climate Change is not a hoax.  But the question is: is it man-made?  I believe that humans have some contribution to our daily lives and by what we consume.  But people should be free to choose what they consume in terms of economics.  The government's overreaching hand in our economy is what is causing inflation in the first place.   It might lower costs and that is a good thing.  But the bad thing is the government is forcing its hands on the economy and lowering costs.  The lowering of cost should not be regulated by the federal government or even the state level or local level.  Let the consumer be the ultimate decider of the cost of the product.  If it does not sell, you either lower the price or take the product off the shelves. 

President Biden is pausing natural gas for what he says needs further research.  That is not true.  He is pausing natural gas since the gas and oil companies are big contributors to the Republican Party.  The fact of the matter is President Biden is playing politics and supporting clean energy since they support him.  It is a quick pro-quo and a quick pay-to-play scheme. 

President Biden is putting a pause on the Liquified Natural Gas policy.  That is going to kill our economy.  Favoring one form of energy over another is only going to raise the inflation rate and prices are going to go up.  The way to bring down inflation is to let all forms of energy flourish equally.

President Biden claims that 210,000 jobs were created.  I will give him credit. That is true. But it has only been found in clean energy jobs.  President Biden is playing politics picking and choosing the winners and losers.  What we need is someone who believes in the free market and lets the free market decide the cost and availability of natural gas and clean energy.  As always comments accepted.

Joe s Green Agenda
Ramsay De Give 
August 16, 2023

Source: President Joe Biden. “ Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Temporary Pause on Pending Approvals of Liquified Natural Gas Exports.” Washington, DC: Friday, January 26, 2024.

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