Thursday, January 25, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

Do you hold your nose and vote for  President Biden?  Or do you hold your nose and vote for President Trump?   Why not vote third party?  Reports are showing that voters a disenfranchised with both President Trump and President Biden.  They both are more disliked than they are liked.   You would think that would give you a chance at a great third-party candidate.  But most third-party candidates are unknown due to lack of media exposure and funding.

Both former President Trump and President Biden says the election has begun.  But both men are disliked by the establishment.  There would have been a great chance for third party candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Verrmont) to run again.  The fact of the matter is people do not like their choices this time around.  People think President Biden is too old and people dislike President Trump.  The fact is I fear that President Biden will die in office.

The way to get their Third  Party president is to get a big-name person.  I would say that Oprah would beat both President Trump and President Biden if she ran as a third party.  As for the Libertarian Party, they need a big-name candidate to win not only the Presidency but also local elections to start out with.  They need a person who would stop special interest funding by funding their own campaigns or at least let public financing of all campaigns.

Half the country, 52% when polled said President Biden is an illegitimate President.  But the polls are skewed.

If you want to break the two-party system you need to do it on the local level first which Libertarians are winning now in local races according the the Libertarian Party website (  

How to break the two-party system is not easy.  But if you get a big-name Libertarian to run and win in local elections that is a start.  As always comments are accepted.

Hold your nose and vote
Chris Kelly

Source: Alex Leary. “ Trump and Biden say The General Election has Begun. Haley Disagrees.” The Wall Street Journal. Concord: Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

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