Wednesday, July 3, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

It seems like President Biden and the Democrats want to control everything.  They want to control what you eat and drink, what type of cars you buy and now they want to control the weather too.  Essentially the Democrats want to play God.

President Biden is now taking action against climate change.  That is a good thing.  But there is very little the government can do to stop the climate from getting warmer.  A note to Biden, yes the weather is getting warmer now, it is known as a little thing we like to call summer. President Biden can take steps to prevent climate change but ultimately it is God who controls the weather, not the people or the politicians.

Extreme weather events are raging is due to the fact that the earth is getting warmer.  from ragging wildfires to massive fires we are all ejected by climate change.  The fact of the matter is the people have little to do to control it.  That is because it was years of improper planning by people for the good of the earth.  The people picked their poison.  Now, they have to lie in the graves that they dug.  As always comments accepted.

Joe Biden Controls the weather
Image: Chad Prather

Source: President Joseph R. Biden. " Fact Sheet: President Biden Announces New Actions to Protect Workers and Communities from Extreme Weather." Washington, DC: July 2, 2024.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

The Supreme Court was set to make its ruling on the Trump immunity claim, but Americans will most likely not know the outcome of the case until after the election.  This is an extreme injustice as the people need to know whether or not the Supreme Court views President Trump as an innocent bystander in the January 6 insurrection or whether they few him as a felon for invoking a riot.  The sad thing is Americans will not know until after the election is over.  As it seems like now, President Trump may win re-election.

The trial decision is going to come too late for the election.  I guess the Supreme Court does not want to make it seem like they are swaying the election for either Biden or Trump.  But now we have a convicted felon in President Donald Trump running for the White House.  If President Trump wins economically I think America will be better off but will America be better off politically?  We can ill afford as a nation to have political opponents keep locking each other up.  But I am afraid that is what it comes to today, and with that being said these leaders are acting like leaders in a third-world country that just lock up or even worse assassinate their political opponents. 

The fact of the matter is that no one, not even a former President or current President or any government official is above the law.  What we are supposed to have is equal justice under the law and a blind justice system.  

Whatever side you are on the Trump side or the Dementia Joe Biden side the opponents are going to say the fix was in from the start.  This is a rigged justice system.  The Supreme Court is supposed to be above politics.  But it seems like with recent rulings the Supreme Court is the most political body in the country, since what they say sets a precedent until another ruling comes their way.

It is likely that the trial ruling is too late for the election outcome which looks like Trump now is going to win.  That is why the Democrats want to get another candidate fast to replace President Biden since it seems like Dementia Joe can not beat Dementia Don.

By delaying the trial The Supreme Court is siding with Trump.  That is due to the fact, that each passing day without a ruling is essentially a blanket immunity for 

President Trump.  

President Trump incited an insurrection.  For that, he has the right to stand trial.  Nobody is above the law not even the President of the United States. As always comments accepted.

Supreme Injustice in Trump Trail
Image: Carolyn Kaster
Mother Jones 
Monday, July 1, 2024

Source: Bart Jensen. " Slow Walk? Supreme Court Trump Immunity Ruling Finally Here, Likely Too Late for Trial Before Election. Washington, DC: Monday, July 1, 2024.

Monday, July 1, 2024



By: Derek Varsalona

President Biden is not a good leader.  The fact of the matter that his son is a drug addict also makes him a horrible father and his wife a horrible mother.  They can not lead a country let alone control their own family.

The fact of the matter is President Biden had a horrible performance in the debate against former President Trump.  He missed key times to take down former President Trump and President Trump stole the show.

Now, President Biden is trying to reassure his donor class.  The fact of the matter is the donors are losing confidence in his abilities to govern let alone debate.  The fact of the matter is that President Bidden suffers from dementia.  It shines through every day and everyone knows it.  How he even lasted this long is mind-boggling. 

President Biden is on the defensive.  The man can not even defend his own record let alone debate.  The debate against President Trump was appalling.  President Trump manhandled President Biden, and even President Biden knows it.

President Biden is now trying to reassure his donor class.  His donor class, which most politicians and President Biden are beholden to not the people of America do not have any faith in him.  There are now growing calls for President Biden to resign not only for the good of the Democratic Party faithful but also for the dare I say it the good of the nation.  The Biden debate performance was the worst performance I ever saw.    It was so bad that it scared a lot of Democrats including the heavy hitters the donors, who politicians are really beholden to not the people.

For the good of the Democratic Party and the good of the nation, there is no other choice but for President Biden to drop out of the race for President and resign now from the Presidency.  As always comments accepted.

President Biden Must resign

Source: AL Jazeera. "Biden Courts US Donors Amid Concerns over Presidential Debate Performance." Washington, DC: June 30, 2024.


BIDEN PLAYS GOD WITH WEATHER By: Derek Varsalona It seems like President Biden and the Democrats want to control everything.   They want to ...